A penny for the ferryman
A new Tryout Duel, Extreme Duel/Skull Invitation, has been announced for Master Duel. The event will be held from July 4th to July 8th (time zones applying). For this event, both players will start the Duel with a copy of Skull Invitation in their Spell & Trap Zone, much like the Skill Drain event.
Now don’t go playing Double Cyclone.
Cards like Marco Cosmos or Prime Material Dragon pretty much counter this card.
Putting yourself under shifter in order to counter skull invitation is definitely a big brain play.
I might consider using Sunavalon.
I’ve seen Darklord Nurse be used for this deck. Pretty good and Fair. Hell, D\Ds have made great use of of this card 🙂
Astral Barrier should get an event.
Ah yes the Floo event
Vaalmonica BigBrain
This is gonna lead to funny Danny sub replays content. I just know it.