Featuring Maxx “C” to 2
A new Forbidden & Limited List has been announced for Master Duel. This new list will begin applying on February 6th (time zones applying).
Newly Forbidden:
Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Summon Limit
Newly Limited:
Anti-Spell Fragrance
Newly Semi-Limited:
Maxx “C”
Nightmare Throne
Sangen Kaimen
Newly Unlimited:
Aluber the Jester of Despia
Bystial Saronir
Cyber Jar
Destiny HERO – Celestial
Morphing Jar
Branded Opening
As usual, by dismantling cards whose maximum number of copies has been reduced after the application of the list, you can obtain bonus crafting points until March 6th (time zones applying)
maxx c is to 2 but its limited?
either I misread or already fixed
When will we get the new Blue-Eyes support?
Not for some time, I’d imagine. The TCG hasn’t got it yet, even.
Celestial is back.
And Branded at full power.
Empty Jar!? Someone quick, summon my fellow TINDANGLERS!!
Branded you say? OwO
Another 30 days of 8 Maxx C format. Yayyyy
Summon Limit’s only crime was lacking a “if you control more than 2 monsters when this card resolves destroy it” clause. Keeping things symmetrical is key!
Kaiser Colosseum does not agree.
Not playing until they reban dragoon and master peace
No one uses them, literally no one.
Imagine being filtered by bad cards.
Man they really want us to buy the mulcharmy pack
What? You can just craft a Fuwa to replace the “C”. Anybody wanting to run 6/9 Maxx “C”s already has a set of mulcharmies.