The holiday Evil Twins
The English names and texts for the new Hallo and Ween monsters have been revealed in a video from the official Twitter account:
Hallo, the Spirit of Tricks
Level 4
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can activate this effect; if you still control this face-up card, your opponent chooses 1 of these effects for you to apply.
-This card gains 800 ATK for each Fiend monster currently in your GY.
-Inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each Fiend monster in your GY.
If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can send 1 monster your opponent controls to the GY.
You can only use each effect of “Hallo, the Spirit of Tricks” once per turn.
Ween, the Spirit of Treats
Level 4
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can activate this effect; if you still control this face-up card, your opponent chooses 1 of these effects for you to apply.
-This card gains 800 ATK for each Zombie monster currently in your GY.
-Inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each Zombie monster in your GY.
If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 monster from your opponent’s GY to your field..
You can only use each effect of “Ween, the Spirit of Treats” once per turn.
Lolis Trash
Thank you for the constructive input. People like you make the Yu-Gi-Oh community what it is. I truly mean that.
No no; he’s got a point
God forbid we have any cute and funny monsters, the drawings of fictional characters are clearly harming real children around the world by their mere existence.
Keep crying.
Shota ruin it
Who is Shota.
I feel like a zombie~ I’ll die at the party~
Yeah, you’ll find my body fully covered in confetti~♪
I’d call these two amazing if you can get the setup right for them. just 8 cards that fit and your opponent has a choice of 4000 damage or dealing with a 6000+ beatstick, and in the late game, those numbers are going to likely be higher
There isnt such a thing as “late game” here
I call anything beyond having half of either your deck, or just your monsters, and getting down to less than 4000 LP on either side as being late game
also there are 5 stages to any match: Opening Hand, Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game, and End Game
Modern Yugioh’s idea of “late game” is turn 4
Japan seriously needs to stop with the pedo bait. Most players of this children’s card game are in their 40s now. Yu-Gi-Oh! Never had this aesthetic until the last 10 years or so but it’s become so common now it’s tedious.
@Recon Spyder – you can also just feck off to your own planet and don’t annoy others with your creepy puritan behavior and seeing “pedo bait” in every remotely cute art of anime girl. It’s actually worrisome that people like you think first about “pedo bait” when they see any cute anime girl.
Yugioh for some of you has become nothing more than a 5 turn or less win game. For the people who truly appreciate a good game of back and forth, your what the game truly means. For the rest of you scrubs who just wanna win in 2 turns, you literally make me sick and are the reason why so many things are banned.
I love them! So cute!
The art style reminds me a lot of MVs by FAKE-TYPE and some older MVs of Nanao Akari. Honestly I would not mind if Konami would do something with these characters or Live Twins and collab with Fake-Type for a YGO-themed Electro Swing song.
Okay pedo
If you didn’t know the artist for these card and the Live Twins was actually figured out. It’s an artist named Hanabushi, their art style is really cool for their non yugioh stuff.
Ha, you said ween.
Happy Hawktuahber!!!

Sneed Approved
Waiting for new vampire support for Halloween dates, but I see the evil twin xD