Basically, we can’t confirm the source is authentic, because there’s no way anyone should have their hands on this product.
It appears the new Odd-Eyes might be a Level 7 Normal Pendulum Monster (i.e. no effects)
Also, as to reprints:
Legendary Dragons of Atlantis:
- Eternal Soul
- Apprentice Illusion Magician
- Magician Navigation
- Dark Magical Circle
Cyber Dragon:
- Cyber Network
- Cyber Dragon Infinity
- Cyber Repair Plant
- Chimeratech Rampage Dragon
Dimensional Dragons Deck:
- Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (Alternate Artwork)
- Starving Venom Fusion Dragon (Alternate Artwork)
- Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon (Alternate Artwork)
- Clear Wing Synchro Dragon (Alternate Artwork)