Who could these four Dark Generals be, I wonder…
Episode 143: 臼と黒 – Usu to Kuro
(Usu and Dark)
Otei Usu tells Yudias and co. that he has been using the power of Rush Duels to create peace. The conversation is interrupted by two brothers, Ryugu Korasu and Ryugu Fazu. The two begin a Duel in order to get revenge for being chased out of their domain. Otei Usu’s retainers, the Four Dark Generals, then take on the brothers!
Script: 松井亜弥 || Matsui Aya
Storyboard: 近藤信宏 || Kondo Nobuhiro
The generals ended up being the Darkmen, all of them brought back in time, though only Bruyea has his memories.
Rovian and Lugh got sent back in time too and found the Ryugu ancestors unconscious so they worked alongside them.
I guess is because like
Writters:Oh yeah, we forget give more duels and scenes for him, well, lets fixed
It also keeps Phaser’s near perfect win record intact while giving Bruyea his first win. Unfortunately this also means Fukamura is the ultimate loser of GO RUSH, having the worst duel record of anyone.
Sabyuas – 2 wins, 3 losses
Bruyea – 1 win, 1 loss
Zeyet – 1 win, 3 losses
Fukamura – 4 losses
Rovian – 3 wins, 5 losses
Lugh – 3 wins, 3 losses (2 wins, 3 losses if his offscreen duel with London doesn’t count)
So I get Fazu is similar in pronunciation to Phaser but how does Korasu tie into Tremolo?
And yet more changes to the timeline that just makes Yuamu’s plan with the power of “Monster Reborn” seem short sighted and ill thought out (well, more than it had been at the time… seriously, she was supposed to be the smart one of the group. How’d she drop the ball this hard?).
She’s also the one who gets hyper fixated on minutiae that doesn’t matter like plate campaigns.
She IS the Kaiba of the Rush era after all