“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Note: It appears the cards were revealed at 5 PM JST because the watch the White Rabbit has, at least in the Disney Movie, is set to 5 o’Clock.
DBCB-JP015 M∀LICE <Pawn> White Rabbit
Level 3 DARK Cyberse Effect Monster
ATK 1200
DEF 300
You can only use this card name’s (1)st and (3)rd effects once per turn each.
(1) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Set 1 “M∀LICE” Trap from your Deck with a different name from the cards in your GY.
(2) You take no battle damage from battles involving “M∀LICE” Link Monsters that point to this card.
(3) If this card becomes banished: You can pay 300 LP; Special Summon it, also you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Link Monsters.
DBCB-JP016 M∀LICE <Pawn> Cheshire Cat
Level 3 DARK Cyberse Effect Monster
ATK 1500
DEF 300
You can only use the (1)st and (3)rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) During your Main Phase: You can banish 1 “M∀LICE” card from your hand, then you can draw 2 cards.
(2) Monsters destroyed by battle with a “M∀LICE” Link Monster that points to this card are banished instead of being sent to the GY.
(3) If this card becomes banished: You can pay 300 LP; Special Summon it, also you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Link Monsters.
DBCB-JP017 M∀LICE <Pawn> Dormouse
Level 3 DARK Cyberse Effect Monster
ATK 900
DEF 300
You can only use the (1)st and (3)rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) During your Main Phase: You can banish 1 “M∀LICE” monster from your Deck, also all “M∀LICE” monsters you control will gain 600 ATK for the rest of this turn.
(2) “M∀LICE” Link Monsters that point to this card cannot be destroyed by card effects.
(3) If this card becomes banished: You can pay 300 LP; Special Summon it, also you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Link Monsters.
Link-3 DARK Cyberse Link Effect Monster
ATK 2300
Links: Left; Right; Bottom
Materials: 2+ monsters, including a “M∀LICE” monster
You can only use the (1)st and (3)rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 “M∀LICE” Spell from your Deck to your hand.
(2) The original ATK and DEF of all Effect Monsters your opponent controls are swapped while this card points to a monster.
(3) If this card becomes banished: You can pay 900 LP; Special Summon it, then you can banish 1 Cyberse monster from your Deck.
Link-3 DARK Cyberse Link Effect Monster
ATK 2500
Links: Top; Bottom Left; Bottom Right
Materials: 3 monsters, including a “M∀LICE” monster
You can only use this card name’s (1)st and (2)nd effects once per turn each.
(1) (Quick Effect): You can target 1 of your banished “M∀LICE” cards; shuffle it into the Deck, and if you do, banish 1 card on the field. This effect and its activation cannot be negated if this card points to a monster.
(2) If this card becomes banished: You can pay 900 LP; Special Summon it, and if you do, its ATK becomes doubled.
Field Spell Card
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
(1) When this card resolves, you can banish 1 “M∀LICE” card from your hand, Deck, or GY.
(2) “M∀LICE” Link Monsters you control gain 3000 ATK while you have 3 or more banished “M∀LICE” Traps with different names.
(3) If you control any “M∀LICE” Link Monsters, your opponent’s monsters can only target them for attacks.
Normal Trap Card
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
You can activate this card the turn it was Set, by banishing 1 face-up “M∀LICE” monster you control.
(1) Add 1 “M∀LICE” monster from your Deck to your hand, then, if you control a “M∀LICE” Link Monster, you can banish 1 card on the field.
Note: MTP stands for “Mad Tea Party”. 07 refers to Chapter 7 “A Mad Tea-Party”. The monster with Dormouse is “Mad Hacker“, from Battle of Chaos.
Normal Trap Card
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
You can activate this card the turn it was Set, by banishing 1 face-up “M∀LICE” monster you control.
(1) Special Summon 1 “M∀LICE” monster from your GY or banishment, then, if you control a “M∀LICE” Link Monster, you can gain LP equal to the Summoned monster’s original ATK.
Note: GWC stands for “Grin without (a) Cat”, a quip by Alice in the novel. 06 refers to Chapter 6 “Pig and Pepper”, the chapter the quip is from.
Trap Normal Card
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
You can activate this card the turn it was Set, by banishing 1 face-up “M∀LICE” monster you control.
(1) Special Summon 1 “M∀LICE” monster from your Deck, or, if your opponent controls 3 or more cards, you can Special Summon 1 “M∀LICE” Link Monster from your Extra Deck instead. The Summoned monster cannot attack or activate its effects this turn.
Note: TB probably means “Twinkling begins with a T!” (or Three Blasts”), a line from Chapter 11 of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland “Who Stole the Tarts?”
It might be also referencing “Through the Looking Glass” with “White Pawn (Alice) to play, and win in eleven moves” and Move 9.
DBCB-JP025 Dotscaper
DBCB-JP026 Aloof Lupine
DBCB-JP027 Topologic Zeroboros
DBCB-JP028 Allure of Darkness
DBCB-JP029 Cynet Backdoor
DBCB-JP030 Dimensional Fissure
Wowee the reprints also make use of this. This is gonna be good automatically due to it guaranteed to play Shifter.
Though I still doubt it would put a dent to the format right now.
And it only locks you into Links. And they seem to possess non-targeting banish all over.
Another shifter deck yippeee. At least it looks cool to play
I’m going to Alice
came for this
Time to build Malice Ashened
Grimmbros our time has come
Really interesting, but I wish their lock was a bit more restrictive. I don’t want these to just end up in Cyberse Soup.
So, as for the deck itself, they’re a beatdown strategy. Wasn’t expecting that.
You’re supposed to attack with Hearts of Crypter, then activate a Trap the turn it was set by banishing her, so she comes back in the Battle Phase with 5K or more.
The aesthetic is great, and the banish aspect fits the Alice in Wonderland. Not as on-the-nose as it could have been, though.
Like I said; I just hope this stays as its own deck and not some Link climbing deck. We’ve seen enough of those.
don’t worry, 99% of cyberse good stuff hates being banished, so I believe that this deck will mostly stay on theme.
@Cyberse Man
To be fair, there has been a somewhat low-key but still noticeably concerted effort to incorporate banishing tactics into Playmaker!Cyberse support, particularly via the Cyberstorm Access wave of support Playmaker!Cyberse got. And cards like Dotscaper have been things since basically day 1.
Pawns and queens… Now if there’d be somethings for rook, bishop and knight, we can have a better chess related archetype
Ms knight retrain when?
@Boris, doesn’t she have to exist first to have a retrain?
I know people will complain this is another “waifu” archetype (which is valid) but I think turning Alice in Wonderland into this odd, gritty sci-fi thing is pretty cool actually.
I mean it’s basically Kozmo 2.0 except at least they turn Strawman, Tincan and Scaredy Lion into Waifu monsters. That’ll be just wired.
Didn’t I mean.
Don’t get me wrong, I really like the neon tech-y feel of the deck, and maybe it’s just me but I’m getting pretty tired of all the waifu designs having the same skin color and proportions. It might be the case, but they all look like the same person in different uniforms.
Agreed. They could have made them much more interesting, but the type of person this is geared towards is going to salivate over the milquetoast designs so what can you do.
If this isn’t a basic introduction to how armatos legio effects work in advance to add the archetype into the game, then I’m not happy, granted these Alice in cyberland archetype is quite impressive.
Speaking of cards based on a Books/Fairy Tales when are we getting the rest of Leon’s cards. We’re still missing cards like Forest Wolf
and Thorn Princess
I knew they’d waste my favorite books on a stupid loli cyberse gimmick.
Ikr lol. Wizard of Oz was treated much better with Kozmo.
they are far from loli tho. More on the young side of anime girls, but definitely not loli.
are you an expert on this subject matter my good sir XD
Oh boy you need to check Black Souls, don’t you?
Stop using words you clearly don’t know the definition of.
Konami’s design team’s brain be like: “Must make lolis!”
The loli defenders (read: ped****les) out in full force!
Feel like the term “loli” get thrown around way too much, just cause they don’t have DDs doesn’t make them lolis. But hey imo, combining Alice and Wonderland with Malware is pretty interesting.
brother, this archetype is cute and funny. why are you being a contrarian?
Welp it’s interesting but I looked through a decent amount of cybersecurity support and there’s one key issue I found: It can’t convert from itself to generic cyberse pile easily, and generic cyberse pile can’t convert to this easily. It’s not like it’s needed after legacy support, but with this wave and these 3 main deck monsters and the 3 traps (the links and spell are good so not touching on them), it’s not nearly enough by itself. I will say tho the missing Link Monster probably banishes traps or generic cards from guy, based on the ATK gain effect of the Spell and there being literally only that same card on activation that is able to banish a trap easily so far. It’s decent boost as a whole for cyberse :).
Welp it’s interesting but I looked through a decent amount of cyberse support and there’s one key issue I found: It can’t convert from itself to generic cyberse pile easily, and generic cyberse pile can’t convert to this easily. It’s not like it’s needed after legacy support, but with this wave and these 3 main deck monsters and the 3 traps (the links and spell are good so not touching on them), it’s not nearly enough by itself. I will say tho the missing Link Monster probably banishes traps or generic cards from guy, based on the ATK gain effect of the Spell and there being literally only that same card on activation that is able to banish a trap easily so far. It’s decent boost as a whole for cyberse :).
this is not an issue. We do not need to boost cyberse pile, we need distinct cyberse archetypes
Imo, I’d rather have more cyberse archetypes like this rather than being used only as another cyberse pile deck most of the time like Mathmech
looks strong
Would these let you target your face down banished cards like Thunder Dragons? Based on the wording I think it might but not sure
The only time you can interact with f/d banished cards is if the effect has no specification, just says “banished card”, (like Thunder Dragonduo last effect). If it asks for a specific name/Type/Attribute/etc, then it has to be face-up.
São boas cartas
I think this ones will be a extrem climb with Macro Cosmos, since the special summon after banish is not once per turn. With that the field can be filled as long the own life points exist and also the traps get fast banished…
But the special summon when banished is a HOPT though
The real question is, when are we going to get Big Welcome M∀LICE?
I’m going to Alice.
The only thing I know is from out of three themes in this set MALICE will be the one to get more support cards in other booters..
Everyone gets at least one wave of support, baaaaka.
All three themes will get support cards in future sets.
One day I will start a petition to have Konami create an Archtype based on Fallout

Ngl, that would be pretty cool
It Magic the Gathering could do it so can Yu-Gi-Oh!
Loli/waifu/dragon mixed with Fallout ?
Please no.
To the person above, that would actually sound sick
kinda meh. not enough shenanigans for an archetype based on a trippy novel. although the ATK/DEF swap is hilarious.
also M∀LICEVS-00 (Vorpal Sword)?
and of course
oh. so those special characters doesn’t show in comments. lol
could be fun. can’t wait for this archetype to expand.
(P.S. TBH I still want a Lovecraft archetype that have synergy and an actual on theme engine)
I mean, Alice archtype IS a Lovecraft archtype, if you know what I mean. :3
I think that generic love craft monsters just kinda fits the theme better, it’d be kinda weird if all the love craft monsters worked together (imo).
I love this PROJECT ARMS reference
Quick effect non-targeting banish that can’t be responded to. Talk about power creep.
they have like 1 in archetype interruption, powercreep is real but not here.
Blacked.com Soulslike sisters, what is this? How am I supposed to tech entities to make le hecking lovecraft reference if the deck is cyberse slop and has no level 4? What about Grand Guignol?? There’s no space for branded here. Also where’s Alice? It’s called MAlice, how am I supposed to go to her now?
Don’t worry, Yog-Sothoth isn’t even in Entities, so you wouldn’t get Mabel ANYWAYS.
People thinking of cyberse soup
Me cooking them bystials
Nobody thinks of Cyberse soup. They’re really mid in Cyberse piles. Bystials is the obvious choice.
Idk how i feel about this i like the art but the trap heavy strategy is wayyy too overdone: Traptrix, Alter, Lab, Dina even Amazement.
It all feels like the same deck. Plus instead of upgrading the already existing trap heavy decks they release new ones that and both new (some of them at least) and old ones feel incomplete
You could make 13 more Trap-heavy decks and they would still be underdone compared to combo wombo or Spell related decks.
At least they can activate it same turn
This is more akin to Live Twin
All those decks you listed play differently. Just because they have purple cards doesn’t mean they’re a copy/paste of each other
Where is Gold Sarc?
The memory of that Johnny Depp Mad Hatter dance is coming back to me. Oh no.
necroface + shifter + allure of darkness + non targeting banish, and probably a way to cybersespam?
people will hate this deck lol
Must be retraining shifter soon
One of the most creative and wacky literatures, and they just go with waifu-cyverse. To the trash it goes.
What they went with is Combining Alice and Wonderland with Malware. In otherwords, they are viruses. Instead of going to Wonderland, they go to your computer and eff it up. Idk, sounds creative to me.
I would rather have a creepy Illusion-type archetype with freaky caterpillar and cat tbh.
If they had to be all one type, Wonderland being an Illusion archetype would have been more appropriate and more interesting. Wonderland being the first true Illusion deck would have actually been pretty cool. Even more so if it wasn’t just a bunch of waifu cosplaying.
These seem like some strong effects. Might have to look out for this one.
Trying to read the effects when the art got me so h0rny is tough.
Where is the jabberwock ???
Topologic Zeroboros, clearly.
Jabberwock would just be a girl in a scale-print jacket and a fake tail.
Well I know one thing. This deck is going to want to run Allure of Darkness at 3.
Alice fell in a rabbit hole. Maybe they will make a rabbit hole card
Thats literally the field spell bro
So the Field Spell wants their Traps banished but none of them have GY effects? You need Dimension Fissure to summon back the Link materials because the archetype has no way currently to summon them back after you exhaust them? The Links need archetypal monsters and must point to them to gain protection? The Field Spell is their only Spell thus far and is relatively unsearchable in theme barring Hearts?
The potential is there but I wish you had some way to properly use the cards in your hand or a way to banish the Traps more easily.
Cheshire is so cute, especially on the trap referencing her.
Odd how the monster specifies “become banished”; I’m curious (morbidly) to see someone try to counter those monsters with Evenly Matched, which gets around lots of card protection because it says the opponent must banish them, not that the card itself banishes them.
This is the first wave of support, brother. Wait until we get more cards before you write it off
Interesting new archetype, maybe I’ll give it a try, Lewis Carroll would be proud
Lewis Carrol would probably vomit.
Why does it have to be ANOTHER waifu deck? Why not have some variety and have at least some of the cards be men? All female archetypes used to make sense, like Harpies, now its something like a third of all decks
I mean, it is based on a book about a tween girl heading to an alternate world(s) ruled by matriarchs, it does lend a certain direction to cute girls doing cute virus things.
Because cute anime girls sells, duh.
“Alice did not much like keeping so close to her: first, because the Duchess was very ugly; and secondly, because she was exactly the right height to rest her chin upon Alice’s shoulder, and it was an uncomfortably sharp chin. However, she did not like to be rude, so she bore it as well as she could.”
Yeah, that definitely sounds like cute girls to me.
Japan has alot of wiredos. Things that are accepted there would never be accepted in the Western World.
Mad hacker, cynet rollback
Log in the backdoor. Giggity.
The time for Drastic Draw has come!
Meh, I would rather have a real cat, rabbit and later, a Mad Hatter card, etc,… we already have plenty waifu/loli archetype, not to mention Cardfight Vanguard.
Lewis Carroll is rolling in his grave rn. At least the Wizard of Oz archtype was treated with more dignity.
Nevermind, we do have a Mad Hatter card and he looks far better than Pale Moon b*tch from Vanguard.
Oh hey, a cyberse archetype that actually interests me. Wonder if we’ll get later support based on the Walrus and the Carpenter.
If I had a nickel for each time Alice in Wonderland was turned into a Virus-ish related theme, I’d have two nickels (S4 League and now this)… which isn’t a lot, but it is weird that it happened twice.
Too bad the Dormouse wasn’t the March Hare as both the Mad Hatter and March Hare were a more recognizable duo.