What’s in a name, really.
RD/KP20-JP025 スペア・ガジェット Spare Gadget
Level 4 EARTH Machine Effect Monster
ATK 1300
DEF 1100
【REQUIREMENT】 Send 1 card from the hand to the GY.
【EFFECT】 This card gains 800 ATK until the end of the turn, then, you can choose 1 “Green Gadget”, “Red Gadget” or “Yellow Gadget” in your GY and add it to your hand.
RD/KP20-JP049 磁石の騎士β Magnet Cavalry Beta [Beta the Magnet Cavalry]
Level 7 EARTH Rock Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 2000
DEF 2100
Materials: “Beta the Magnet Warrior” + 1 Level 4 or lower Rock monster
【REQUIREMENT】 Send the top 2 cards of the Deck to the GY.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 face-up monster on your field. For the rest of this turn, that monster gains 300 ATK and its attacks pierce.
More recicle for the maximum, who is good(but need a equip to turns the maximum STRONG)
And Magnets dont need just Alpha anymore, can pierce +3500
good cards
It’s been 3000 years… (magnets)
Though a Level 4 that can reach 2100 ATK is impressive in its own right, Spare Gadget will most certainly be used just to recover another Gadget and be Tributed off, or to recover a Gadget Maximum piece (which when combined with Gear Start lets you recover all 3 and go into the Maximum again). Optionally, Spare is another Level 4 EARTH Machine that can be sent from hand to GY for Gear Crusher.
And finally, the second Magnet Cavalry! It’s been so long since we got Alpha that I didn’t think Konami would make the others! The effect is decent, but you need some prior setup to get the most of its effect. Fortunately the Eternal Magnets are a built in Fusion engine so it’s easy to summon, all things considered, and is meant to be used the turn after you activate Repulsive Force.
Cool! I love Gadgets!