I would sell my soul.
RD/KP20-JP055 デーモンの供物 Daemon no Kubutsu (Offering to the Daemon) [Offering to the Archfiend]
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 Place 2 Fiend monsters from your GY on the bottom of your Deck in any order.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 face-up Level 8 or lower monster on your opponent’s field. For the rest of this turn, if you would Tribute Summon “Summoned Skull” in Attack Position, you can Tribute the chosen face-up opponent monster instead of a monster on your field.
Though not an immediate fix, Offering makes it easier to bring out Summoned Skull, or either of his variants (Confusion and Armageddon) who are treated as Summoned Skull in the hand, while also giving the Deck additional non-destruction removal (which they were lacking until now).
Messenger and Spear Soldier each require you to control Summoned Skull to pop your opponent‘s cards. Shaman can reduce an opponent’s monster’s Level by 2, potentially opening Level 9-10 monsters to being Tributed by Offering (with Shaman being the other Tribute if you’re going into Confusion or Armageddon). Shaman also draws you a card, which offsets Confusion or Armageddon’s requirements to be treated as Skull on the field. You do need 2 Fiends in your GY though, and Shaman at best can grant you 1 via its effect, meaning you need additional setup (via Archfiend Warrior or Royal Rebel’s King’s Return).
First rush kaiju like effect?
No, there was another spell
Advance Impact was released in May 2023. Though generic, Advance Impact is also much more restrictive. Offering is significantly easier to activate but only relegated to Summoned Skull.
I suspect these Kaiju cards will be more common over time since the game is slowly giving boss monsters destruction and/or bounce/spin immunity.
And the Spell Cards in the Pack are gone!
Only three Slots remain (I’m now wondering a bit if Mr. Potential has anything here)
Red-Eyes should be Slot 24 at least. Maybe also 63.