Get ready to evolve to the next level of Potential.
“Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact” goes on sale January 11th, 2025, and includes all the cards you need to build a Deck, just from the cards included. This pack includes cards related to three different types of Themes, but you’ll also be able to make Decks of the various themes k using this pack.
All the cards required to build the ultra popular theme “Red-Eyes” are included! Not only are there new cards included, but cards that work well together are also reprinted!
Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact
Release Date: January 11th, 2025
Contents: 84 Different Cards
Price: 176 Yen per pack of 5 cards; 24 Packs per Box
Dino support please
I wonder if this blends heavy with the Meteor Dragon support
I had a goddamn heart attack mannn
the ultra popular theme!
Blue-Eyes: Am I a joke to you?
Red-Eyes: Yes, you are a joke in Rush. You and Dark Magician already get the spotlight in regular Duel Monsters! My time to shine has been in Rush, so both you and DM can both suck it.
I wanted red-eyes to have HALF the love BE have in the ocg
“Get ready to evolve to the next level of Potential”
It’s been a long time since the last Triple Build Pack and it seems like there are more cards here compared to the Previous Pack.
From the name (especially “Impact”), it sounds like those Yuga’s Rock Monsters will have a Deck of their own.
Last time we got a SEVENS anime theme, a GO RUSH anime theme, and a legacy theme.
If this follows again, we should get two themes related to the anime. The Quintiamat semi limit hints at Abysslayers potentially getting support in here.
But if it doesn’t then maybe Cyber Dragon as the second theme and an anime theme as the third?
In fact, they can say that Red-Eyes’s Deck is the Anime Deck of SEVENS (since, remember, Otes used the Red-Eyes variant focused on burning)
However, everything seems to indicate that Red-Eyes is the non-Anime Deck of the Pack.
so probably it’ll be a blend of Red-Eyes, Meteor, and Summoned Skull support since all three have been blended together as 1 deck but can work separately on their own.
main things I would like to see:
– a good Red-Eyes retrain. look just ban Inferno Fire Blast at this point, I am tired of the fear of this card’s burn/FTK impacting design. I’d rather Red-Eyes just not be a legend lol.
– give Summoned Skull its own playstyle. It was cute that you adapted Otes’ strategy, but these are dogwater hyper-specific tech cards. Give us an incentive to play pure.
– Meteor Dragon retrain. Rn he’s kind of a brick that doesn’t help the deck enough. if he was a lv7 vanilla like Gravebronze Dragon, you could make FGD easier. a Lv7 that treats itself as a vanilla on the field would be perfect.
Hope for more maximuns
Give that much love to red-eyes in the regular ocg / tcg pleeeeeeease
would be nice if we versions of these cards in the regular game, with better effects of course but it seems a shame to keep the support cards in rush duel only