A tiny tale of time, concerning war between friends.
聖月の魔導士(クレセント・オブ・マギストス)エンディミオン Crescent of Magistus Endymion [Endymion, the Crescent of Magistus]
A new Magistus Link Monster based on Endymion’s outfit as he prepares to go to fight with Crowley.
It’s a Link Monster with an effect that supports “Magistus” Decks.
Full details will be revealed on December 7th, 2024.
Source: V Jump
Male monsters in YGO really age badly aren’t they. Endymion the Mighty Master of Magic looks like he never experience love in his life while Selene is still is as gorgeous as ever. Great Sorcerer of Nekroz (Avance) already on his way to become some kind of Gandalf-like wizard while Dance Princess (Emilia) looks like she is still in her thirties.
You may explain Emilia’s case with her revival as a Spirit. Then she was magically reunited with her corpse again through Ice Barrier magic. Notice how her Ritual forms across the Nekroz stay the same. While Avance and Shurit age with every LvL gained.
There’s also Kamui, who goes from being a young boy to an elder (Gusto to Ritual Beast) compared to the other girls who look like they’ve only aged maybe 5 years overall
In the case of Emilia, and even Avance, actually, it’s because of Nekroz Cycle, the ritual method she developed, where it revitalizes the user, therefore keeping them young. That’s why the new Avance monster, the swordmaster, is not the old hermit of his previous effect monster iteration. And I think Shurit has his own method that makes him age up to his prime, since his main deck monster iteration and even clausolas look really young and small, but then you have Brionac and Trishula where he’s like a teenager and then a grown man.
For Kamui, he really just aged like a hermit, and the girls from the spiritual beast tribe are all a new generation, so they are their normal age. Winda and Wynn are different. Winda is a descendant of Wynn, and then there’s the whole thing where Winda becomes a Shaddoll and all that, but is eventually restored to her former self. But all-in-all, there’s not really age magic shenanigans with them, Kamui is just has longevity and is the mentor of a whole new tribe, that’s all.
This is cool. Magistus getting another Link Monster is quite overdue, too.
Yeah, was wondering when they’d get a Link 2. Hopefully it is at least as good as the other 2 cards from the manga.
Why is his head so small?
Maybe he has a small brain
Ai art is bad with proportions
A new Endymion Link that helps Pendulums would be nice. Pendulums need all they can at this point. Plus it would help my Pendulum Magician/ Superme King deck alot.
The arrows don’t look ideal for Pendulum
Still A Pendulum-Link monster would be nice.
It’s not doing that, because while it has Endymion in it’s name, it’s definitely a Magistus monster and they aren’t a Pendulum deck.
It’s not going to do that, because while it has Endymion in it’s name, it’s definitely a Magistus monster and they aren’t a Pendulum deck.
It’s not doing that, because while it has Endymion in it’s name, it’s definitely a Magistus monster and they aren’t a Pendulum deck.
The Crowley and Verre cards both support Ivoked and Witchcrafter respectively in addition to Magistus.
Prophecy/spellbook support please
Endymion: I have a loli!!!
Everybody stay back it has a Loli!!!
Once again reinforces how each member of the quartet supports a unique Extra Deck method. With his connections to Selene and Artemis, and how Zoroa has a Synchro evolution, I suspected Endymion would get a Link upgrade and I am glad he is.
The past two Magistus cards are amazing and I do hope this also delivers especially as V-JUMPs are usually on the weaker side.
This also likely means we are getting Magistus cards in PP25 to cross promote.
Hopefully we get Xyz Rilliona and Fusion Crowley at some point.
Xyz Rilliona as: “Rilliona, the Wondrous Magistus Witch Wardrobe” you mean?
She wasn’t in the first wave so I forgot lol
The only extra deck missing is Fusion Crowley wearing Aiwass like armor. And Maybe Chorozo’s post-aborption adult form as a synchro (normal Chorozo is a tuner after all)
Finally a better design VJump promo card. Magistus Spoon is

Imagine commenting the same thing twice, hard bait
Finally a better design Vjump promo card. Magistus Spoon is L
Stop the cap
Spoon is a good character both in the manga and in real life.
He was the only guy who saw the good in Zoroa and was willing to die so Zoroa doesn’t become evil.
This Endymion Link Monster better have a massive paragraph of text to stay true to Lore.
Shipbros won
A bishie and a loli. How original.
I’ll never forgive Endymion for starting a war because he was scared and then running like a coward when the enemy who likely thought of him as a friend or at least ally and let him into the grand spellbook tower…
dam everyone getting a support except plunder I’m really missing it