A reprint for the Yami Yugi Pack, that fits with the rest of that pack’s theme.
【商品情報】1/10(土)発売「決闘者の栄光-記憶の断片- side:闇遊戯」収録カード「超魔導剣士-ブラック・パラディン」公開!収録内容が異なる「side:武藤遊戯」同時発売!>http://t.co/nLLXRqi7Q1 #遊戯王 pic.twitter.com/GfKnyu10xb
— 【公式】遊戯王OCG (@YuGiOh_OCG_INFO) December 5, 2014
Basically Dark Paladin is being reprinted in “Glory of the Duelist -Memory Fragments- side: Yami Yugi”
This specific artwork has only been printed once before, in the Yugi Volume 2 Structure Deck.