Remember: Her name isn’t Shark’s Sister.
リオート・ミグラトリー Ljod Migrator (Zereort Migrator)
Level 5 WATER Effect Monster
Note: Ljod (лёд) is Russian for Ice.
This card will be revealed in full on August 7th, 2024 on Yu-Gi-Oh!.JP
This card is a support card for WATER Decks! Use it in conjunction with Xyz Monsters!!
Source: V Jump
Shark support yay
More like Shark sister’s support?
Ngl, some support for her WATER/Winged Beast stuff would be cool. She had kinda unique playstyle punishing opponent for having monsters with different stats than original but it was kinda underwhelming.
DudeDudesky: That might be because only her monsters an a single trap were ever released. SHe had a bunch of Spell cards that were never released including an Equip spell that reduces an opp. ATK by 1000 and a Normal spell that doubles the stat change to opp. ATK for the rest of the turn.
How do reveal cycles work? I was under the impression that a reveal cycle starts and ends with the full then partial V Jump reveals but I believe we have 20+ card reveals to go before the release of ROTA later this month so it surely can’t be done yet?
Rota has the stream and some day-of reveals, as has always. Plus another midweek like today.
Though this one is for the jump promo, not the set even though it doesn’t indeed support shark’s water monsters. I for one am waiting for the reveal of either new mermail or atlanten support.
V-JUMP reveals are always on the 7th of each month at 12 PM JST. They are usually but not always the first batch of reveals per month.
From there reveals follow a set pattern.
The cover theme of a core booster is revealed 2 months before release date, followed by other themes for the next two months.
The Deck Build Pack themes are teased 2 months before release date. The first theme is revealed a month later, and the remaining two are revealed the month after that.
A Structure Deck is revealed 2 months before release, the first 4 cards are revealed a month later, the next 3 cards + usually a Token are revealed a month after that, and finally the remaining card is revealed on Twitter a few days before release.
Reveals are usually ordered according to a product’s release date (ie if a core booster releases before a DBP we get the booster news first).
We get a new card reveal on Twitter every Wednesday. Closer to the release of a core booster, we also get card reveals on the weekends.
The OCG Times streams usually take place a few weeks to a week before release date and always feature both powerful generics, a side archetype, and the third anime inspired theme.
Some cards are not revealed at all, and people who somehow acquire early boxes will leak the remaining cards in a set (all of them pack filler). There are anywhere from 4-12 pack filler cards revealed this way, usually leaked a day or two before release.
Hello N, many thanks for taking the time to respond to me, much appreciated
Though this one is for the jump promo, not the set even though it doesn’t indeed support shark’s water monsters. I for one am waiting for the reveal of either new mermail or atlanten support.
Most likely Mermail. I’d love if they could sneak some Digital Bug cards into ROTA as well.
Judging by the Name, Level and some Details, this Monster seems to be for Rio (or is related to Rio’s Deck)
Good work Sherlock
Seems we are getting a V-JUMP anime inspired card per series.
GX – Ancient Gear Dragon
DM – Detonating Kuriboh
ARC-V – Performapal Sky Magician Girl
And now ZEXAL. We should get 5D’s and VRAINS cards in the next few months after this.
hopefully something for Luna in VJUMP
Rio the ice queen getting some more support. She really needs some.
This is Ice Princess Zereort’s main deck form.
Maybe now they can give Rio a real archetype. There’s room with her aces to make a fun going 2nd deck about manipulating opp’s attack stats
probably not an archtype, but something like the Metalmorph cards in Rage of the Abyss pack or those Light/Dark Dragon in Infinite Forbidden pack
Her Xyz monsters are all either called “Ice Bird” or “Ice Maiden”. She only has 4 main deck monsters right now so they could definitely start an “Ice Bird” archetype like how we recently got “Tachyon”.
*correction, they are called “Zero Bird” (the winged-beasts) and “Zero Maiden” (the fairies)
WATER/Winged Beast support would be the easiest and would not need inventing new archetypes etc. There’s not a lot of other monsters with this combination of type and attribute.
Even Dinomist can use it, as they pend summon lvl 4 and 5, anyway. Another generic water extender I guess
Rio sometimes hides her feelings in Russian. More stat manipulation and burn or get outta here!
She acts Russian to hide her feelings?
Is that a trolling attempt?
Looks like an indirect buff for Dinomist? They mostly pendulum summon lvl 4 & 5 easilly anyway. I like the synchro × Xyz more :3