The Forest Conquers all… with Friendship!
Strategic Summary:
Welcome back to another dual-profile, this time centered on the Naturia archetype. This EARTH archetype, debuting as a Duel Terminal theme, features Plants, Insects, and even a Beast and a Dragon, so let’s talk about how their new legacy support overhauls their potential.
Starting with the first build, Naturia Vernusylph, I wanted to showcase what the theme can do with slightly added consistency. It all starts with Naturia Camellia (YGOrg Translation), a new Level 4 Plant Tuner that sends any Naturia card from your Deck to the GY when summoned. Additionally, whenever your opponent Summons a monster, you get to Special Summon 1 Naturia from your GY. And most importantly, her middle effect lets you mill 2 cards instead of tributing monster(s) to activate a Naturia’s effect. Let me break this down, her first effect should always send Naturia Sacred Tree (which tutors any Naturia card upon being sent to the GY), her recovery is great, but her replacement effect allows you to actually run both Naturia Vein and Naturia Sunflower for the first time. These two monsters are supposed to tribute themselves and another Naturia, but with Camellia, that’s no longer required. Between these Naturia and the existing Naturia Beast and Naturia Barkion, the theme has plenty to work with, all accelerated by Vernusylph of the Awakening Forests and Vernusylph of Seedlings and Haze (YGOrg Translation), rushing you towards successful lockdowns.
As for the second build, Naturia Ishizu Exchange, I wanted to show what happens when you take the gloves off and go full speed ahead. You see, Naturia Molcricket (YGOrg Translation) is another new monster, this time an Insect, that can tribute itself to summon from your Deck 1 or 2 Naturia monsters, if your opponent controls the monster with the highest attack. Additionally, Molcricket summons itself back from the GY whenever your opponent summons from the Extra Deck or if you Special Summon a Naturia from the Extra Deck! Combine this with the mass milling of Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard (YGOrg Translation) and Agido the Ancient Sentry (YGOrg Translation), you will have plenty of ways to get to what you need. This build also utilizes Herald of the Orange Light and the Naturia engine to protect Gravekeeper’s Trap (YGOrg Translation), a solid way to lock down the GY and prevent the opponent from ever mounting a defense against your natural onslaught. Oh, and did I mention that Naturia Spring Breeze (YGOrg Translation) helps you summon back anything you need from the GY? Chefs kiss. Anyways, embrace the forest with the new and improved Naturia!
Provided Decklists:
Build One: Naturia Vernusylph
Monsters: 23
||| Naturia Camellia
|| Vernusylph of the Awakening Forests
|| Vernusylph of the Flourishing Hills
||| Lonefire Blossom
|| Vernusylph of Seedlings and Haze
| Naturia Stinkbug
|| Naturia Sunflower
| Naturia Antjaw
| Naturia Vein
||| Naturia Molcricket
||| Effect VeilerSpells: 12
| One for One
| Foolish Burial Goods
| Upstart Goblin
| Foolish Burial
| Monster Reborn
| Called by the Grave
||| Naturia Spring Breeze
||| Symbol of HeritageTraps: 5
|| Vernusylph and the Changing Season
||| Naturia Sacred TreeExtra Deck:
| Power Tool Dragon
| Naturia Barkion
| Hyper Psychic Riser
| Naturia Beast
| Merry Melffys
| Traptrix Allomerus
| Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
| G Golem Dignified Trilithon
| Accesscode Talker
| Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
| Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable
| Knightmare Cerberus
| Crystron Halqifibrax
| G Golem Stubborn Menhir
| Sunavalon Dryas
Build Two: Naturia Ishizu Exchange
Monsters: 32
||| Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard
||| Mudora the Cestus Oracle
||| Agido the Ancient Sentry
||| Naturia Camellia
||| Keldo the Possessed Statue
||| Vernusylph of Seedlings and Haze
| Naturia Stinkbug
|| Naturia Sunflower
| Naturia Antjaw
||| Herald of Orange Light
| Naturia Vein
||| Naturia Molcricket
||| Effect VeilerSpells: 4
| Called by the Grave
||| Naturia Spring BreezeTraps: 5
| Exchange of the Spirit
||| Naturia Sacred Tree
| Gravekeeper’s TrapExtra Deck:
| Crystron Quariongandrax
| Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
| Naturia Barkion
| Naturia Beast
| Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder
| Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
| Number S39: Utopia Prime
| Number 39: Utopia
| Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
| Abyss Dweller
| Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
| Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion
| Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable
| Spright Elf
| Linkuriboh
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page with your ideas to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Floowandereeze.
Coming Soon: