EARTH-powered Heroes, no longer stuck on desk duty.
Strategic Summary:
Today’s Creative Deck Profile digs deep into three undervalued archetypes, all coming together to make some fun and EARTH havoc. The primary archetype in today’s build is the Deskbots, a group of EARTH Machines that gain ATK/DEF based on other Deskbot monsters. Whether it is Deskbot 001 gaining 500/500 for each Machine monster you control or Deskbot 007 gaining 500/500 for each Deskbot card in the GY, you can quickly amass ATK power while amassing office supplies! Where this theme truly shines is Deskbot 002, as each time it is Special Summoned, you can grab a new Deskbot card from your deck. Since they’re all EARTH, the goal is clearly to repeatedly Special Summon Deskbot 002 with your Vernusylph monsters, gaining oodles of free cards along the way. So let’s talk about the Vernuslyph next.
The Vernusylph monsters are EARTH Fairies that can support any EARTH deck. They each carry an effect to discard themselves and another EARTH (or Vernuslyph) card, Special Summon an EARTH from your GY, and apply an additional advantage-gaining effect. For example, Vernuslyph of the Flourishing Hills adds a Vernusylph card or Vernusylph of the Flowering Fields recovers an EARTH monster from the GY. Their in-theme boss is Vera the Vernusylph Goddess, a Level 8 that can negate a monster effect activated by your opponent if you control 5 EARTH monsters. Not only that, it also can steal an opponent’s monster, making it EARTH, and carries a Quick Effect to Special Summon an EARTH monster from your GY during the opponent’s turn! All this advantage stacks up nicely, especially once if you see what all this advantage is building to.
Speaking of the build, let’s talk about the endgame. In an ideal world, the Deskbot theme wins by resolving the effect of their Field Spell, Deskbot Base. By banishing 9 Deskbot cards with different names from your Field or GY, it shuffles all cards from the opponent’s hand, field, and GY into the Deck. This is very much a ‘game over’ button, so the trick is getting enough Deskbot cards in play. Deskbot 002 gets you most of the way there, but Qliphort Genius, Saryuja Skull Dread, and Deskbot Jet can do a ton of heavy lifting as well. This gameplan even works especially well with the new Clockwork Knight, as it can allow you to get double value out of a copy of Deskbot 002. The last thing I’ll highlight with this build is its win condition if you cannot pull off base – Disrupt and Discourage. How? Well between Vera, Therion “King” Regulus, Naturia Beast, and Melffy of the Forest, you have plenty of disruption. Melffy of the Forest even grabs you Melffy Catty on your turn, which grabs Melffy Pinny on your opponent’s, which gives you an extra form of disruption in Merry Melffys bouncing an opponent’s monster! As I said, it all comes together when we celebrate EARTH day a whole month early!
Provided Decklist:
Monsters: 33
| Deskbot 009
| Therion “King” Regulus
| Vera the Vernusylph Goddess
| Deskbot 008
| Deskbot 007
|| Deskbot 006
||| Deskbot 005
||| Vernusylph of the Awakening Forests
| Ancient Gear Box
|| Deskbot 004
||| Vernusylph of the Flourishing Hills
| Vernusylph of the Thawing Mountains
| Vernusylph of the Flowering Fields
||| Deskbot 003
||| Vernusylph of the Misting Seedlings
||| Deskbot 002
| Melffy Pinny
| Melffy Catty
| Deskbot 001Spells: 9
| Triple Tactics Talent
| Triple Tactics Thrust
||| Machine Duplication
| Vernusylph Corolla
| Clockwork Night
| Vernusylph in Full Bloom
| Deskbot BaseTrap: 1
| Vernusylph and the Flower BudsExtra Deck:
| Deskbot Jet
| Naturia Beast
| Merry Melffys
| Herald of the Arc Light
| Cyber Dragon Infinity
| Cyber Dragon Nova
| Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
| Joyous Melffys
| Melffy of the Forest
| Saryuja Skull Dread
| Qliphort Genius
| S:P Little Knight
| Ancient Gear Ballista
| G Golem Stubborn Menhir
| Clockwork Knight
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Crystal Beast, Motor, Maliss, Mayakashi, D/D, Six Samurai, Hazy Flame, Yummy, K-9, Suship, Onomato
Coming Soon: