Strategic Summary:
Today’s CDP has been requested ever since the new Battlewasp support cards were revealed for ROTA, so I really hope you end up happy with the final result. The Battlewasp archetype are a group of WIND Insects that aim to Synchro Summon, and unfortunately, they’ve played second fiddle to a lot of other Insect archetypes… that is until they became the stars of the show now! Led by their new Level 12 Synchro ultimate boss monster, Battlewasp – Gran Parisan the Revolution (YGOrg Translation), this Insect theme offers quite a unique take on the typical Synchro strategy. The theme now revolves around the new Battlewasp – Wind (YGOrg Translation), a Continuous Spell akin to Black Whirlwind, which tutors a Battlewasp monster up to twice per turn, with less ATK than a Battlewasp summoned to your field. While you can only activate 1 Wind per turn, you can actually place a second copy on the field with Battlewasp – Rapier the Furious (YGOrg Translation). Or Battlewasp – Sachi the Ritual Bow (YGOrg Translation) can return a face-up copy for an extra Normal Summon. If you’re keeping up with the math, this gives you up to 4 searches each turn as you advance through your summons. Remember, the Battlewasp already had multiple monsters that Special Summon, including Battlewasp – Arbalest the Rapidfire, Battlewasp – Twinbow the Attacker, and Battlewasp – Pin the Bullseye. Once you make Sachi, all you need is another Level 6 Insect to make your Gran Parisan boss, so let’s cycle back to why he is important. You see, when Gran Partisan is banished, it Special Summons itself back to the field and destroys cards the opponent controls up to the number of your banished Insect monsters. Isn’t it great that Battlewasp – Ballista the Armageddon already existed as another Level 12 Battlewasp Synchro that happens to banish ALL Insect monsters in your GY at once?
Alright, alright, enough about the Battlewasps. Let’s talk about the other engines at play here. Well this is an Insect deck, so Resonance Insect remains key, tutoring any of your Level 5 or higher Insects when it’s sent from the field to the GY. This can get you to your copies of Rapier the Furious or even to Beetrooper Sting Lancer. Another mainstay in Insect builds that also makes an appearance today is Gokipole, standing ready to tutor any Level 4 Insect you might need. I’m also deploying Cyclos the Circular Sprite and Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer as two additional Tuners to aid your Synchro Summoning dreams. But the biggest key to this deck’s success is that generic Insect support cards gives you some backrow disruption as well. For example, Ragnaraika Mantis Monk can tutor Ragnaraika Bleached Wisteria (YGOrg Translation) to give your deck GY disruption, while also banishing your Gran Partisan for a free summon! Or, you can turn to Beetrooper Fly & Sting for a monster negate. This deck has so many fun tools that I’m just abuzz with happiness using it! So enjoy this new and improved Battlewasp strategy, or at the very least, see what the buzz is all about!
Provided Decklist:
Monsters: 26
| Beargram, Shelled Emperor of the Forest Crown
| Heavy Beetrooper Mighty Neptune
| Humongous Hive Hegemon – Zexstagger
| Beetrooper Sting Lancer
||| Battlewasp – Rapier the Furious
|| Battlewasp – Arbalest the Rapidfire
| Beetrooper Assault Roller
| Cyclos the Circular Sprite
||| Resonance Insect
| Beetrooper Scale Bomber
| Gokipole
| Battlewasp – Twinbow the Attacker
| Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer
||| Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
||| Battlewasp – Sting the Poison
| Battlewasp – Pin the Bullseye
| Battlewasp – Dart the HunterSpells: 8
||| Armament Swarm
| Summoning Swarm
| Giant Ballgame
||| Battlewasp – WindTraps: 6
||| Infinite Impermanence
| Ragnaraika Hunting Dance
| Ragnaraika Bleached Wisteria
| Beetrooper Fly & StingExtra Deck:
|| Battlewasp – Gran Partisan the Revolution
| Battlewasp – Ballista the Armageddon
| Battlewasp – Hama the Conquering Bow
| Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis
|| Battlewasp – Halberd the Charge
|| Battlewasp – Sachi the Ritual Bow
| Battlewasp – Azusa the Ghost Bow
| Ragnaraika Stag Sovereign
| Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas
| Ragnaraika Mantis Monk
| Beetrooper Armor Horn
| Inzektor Picofalena
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Atlantean/Mermail, Super Quantum, Graydle, Ryu-Ge, Maliss, Earthbound, Supreme King/Odd-Eyes
Coming Soon:
surely… surely 3 summoning swarm 1 armament swarm is backwards, right
you wouldn’t run 1x the most powerful card in the deck
I agree, but also I wouldnt run half the card put in moat of these “creative” decks. Lot of bad choices imo
Oops I mistyped – I’ve fixed it in the article above. Thanks for letting me know!
Also; the deck shown in the video is what I try to type up, so you can always check that to see if it was intentional.
As I’ve always maintained, very few of my builds are worth picking up yourself without rebuilding it yourself and making modificatiins to the list. In these CDPs, I aim to show potential, which means I will throw in more techs/options than optimal
Thanks for the bees, Quincy! I’ve been waiting for this CDP since support reveal
The list is wrong. GJ, though, you got relatively close