A way to modernize Archfiends? I’m in!
Strategic Summary:
Welcome back for another CDP, and today I’m featuring another new archetype to emerge in Alliance Insight – the Regenesis (YGOrg Translation). This biblical archetype consists of disruptive monsters that revolve around 2500 ATK/DEF and recycle themselves back to hand, if they were sent to the GY during the opponent’s turn. For example, Regenesis Sage Shemot (YGOrg Translation) can Special Summon itself from the hand if a monster with 2500 original ATK or DEF is on the field, and if your opponent activates a card/effect, it can send another Regenesis card to the GY to negate it. In my opinion, the true power of this theme lies in its support cards, with Regenesis Birth (YGOrg Translation) serving as a Continuous Trap version of Book of Moon on defense, but it can also go on offense by sending itself to the GY to Special Summon as many Regenesis monsters as possible with different names from your hand, GY, or banishment. Regenesis itself is also a consistency-boosting card, which gives you access to any of your Regenesis monsters. However, the main link to the Archfiend side of today’s build is Regenesis Archfiend, a Level 8 EARTH Fiend that also happens to tutor a Regenesis card when summoned!
Alright, I’m going to use this to bridge into the Archfiend side of the deck, so let me try not to lose you. The Archfiend archetype, much like Red-Eyes, has had many different identities over the years. While all are called ‘Archfiend’, only some actually play together in a cohesive strategy. Today, I’m using the destruction-based Archfiends including: Archfiend Heiress, which tutors an Archfiend card when destroyed, Archfiend Cavalry, which Special Summons an Archfiend from the GY when destroyed by card effect, Berserk Archfiend, which destroys up to 2 monsters you control and Special Summons itself from the hand, and Archfiend Commander, which Special Summons itself from the hand then destroys an Archfiend card you control. This assortment of DARK Fiend monsters don’t share too many Levels, but that’s the point – you see, Archfiend Palabrynth helps tie this disparate archetype together if you control an Archfiend and any other Fiend monster. With Palabrynth, you target the Archfiend, banish the other Fiend, and Special Summon an Archfiend from virtually anywhere with the same level as your Target. For example, if you happen to have Commander and a Tour Guide From the Underworld, Palabrynth can target the Commander, banish TGU to summon Archfiend’s Advent, then you can steal an opponents monster for the trouble.
To bring us back full-circle, this works great with Regenesis Archfiend, since it can be leveraged to bring out Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror, destroy a card, then Xyz Summon a R8NK threat like Number 1: Infection Buzzking. Sure, it may be an older card, but the baseline provided by the Regenesis just gives you enough room to work and develop your combos to let the deck shine. Whether it is the new Beast of Talwar – the Sword Summit giving you another Archfiend for combos or just leveraging Bemidbar as an Archfiend card to steal an opponent’s monster with Falling Down, this deck has a ton of potential. All that’s left is to establish a starter gameplan, and that’s where I go back to TGU. When summoned, TGU summons you a copy of Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and from there, you can quickly establish a Link or Xyz board. This builds up to Fiend bosses like A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow or a D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex. Unleash horrors of biblical proportions with the Regenesis and Archfiend archetypes!
Provided Decklist:
Monsters: 25
|| Regenesis God Deuteronomion
| Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror
| Regenesis Dragon Vayikra
||| Regenesis Archfiend
| Regenesis Sage Shemot
| Regenesis Warrior Beresheet
||| Beast of Talwar – The Sword Summit
| Archfiend’s Advent
| Archfiend Commander
|| Berserk Archfiend
| Archfiend Cavalry
| Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
| Fiendish Rhino Warrior
| Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
||| Tour Guide From the Underworld
|| Archfiend HeiressSpells: 12
||| Regenesis
| Foolish Burial
||| Torah Regenesis
||| Falling Down
|| Archfiend PalabyrinthTraps: 5
|| Archfiend’s Ghastly Glitch
|| Regenesis Birth
| Call of the ArchfiendExtra Deck:
| D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex
| The Zombie Vampire
| Number 1: Infection Buzzking
| D/D/D Wave High King Caesar
| Dhampir Vampire Sheridan
| D/D/D Stone King Darius
| Goblin Biker Troika Griare
| Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
| Unchained Abomination
| A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow
| Sky Striker Ace – Azalea Temperance
| Borrelcode Dragon
| Masterking Archfiend
| Muckraker From the Underworld
| Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Crystal Beast, Heraldic Beast, Motor, Deskbot, Maliss, Mayakashi, D/D, Six Samurai, Hazy Flame, Yummy, K-9, Suship
Coming Soon:
1 Comment
Cool! I love Archfiends! Regenesis Archfiend plus some amount of the Regenesis Spells/Traps certainly seems like a good engine for them, even if you don’t want to play any of the other Regenesis monsters.
I hope one day we get some good Level 1 or 2 “Archfiend” monsters. With all the self-destructing Archfiends do, I think Pandemonium is sorely underappreciated – it has no once-per-turn on its search, and itself is effectively as searchable as Palabyrinth thanks to Archfiend General. The only problem is it has to search a monster with a lower level, so if you pop Heiress your options are very limited.