Transcend Normal Dinosaurs!
Browsing: Decklists
Beast-Warriors with Kotetsu in Rush Duels, Zombies using Ice Dragon’s Prison, and Rikka-Sunavalon
Fusion Dragons in Rush Duel, PSY-Frame for the OCG, and Shaddolls.
Buster Blader in Warriors for Rush, Amazement for the OCG, and a The Weather + True Draco Deck
Fiends using the new Garzetts in Rush Duel and a Ruin + Demise Deck
Coin Toss Machine for Rush and Dogmatika + Spellbook
Sevens Road with some Psychic Help for Rush, Eldlich, and 5 Bee themed Decks.
Vision Hero.
Labyrnth and P.U.N.K. + Shaddoll
Flowandereeze and Digital Bugs