A Deck centered on the U.A. monsters along with various generic good Warriors.
Browsing: Konami Decklist
A Deck to instantly win the Duel using Flying Elephant-DESU.
A very basic sample Deck of what you can do with the new Stromberg theme.
Subterror Stun vs Mekk-Knight Palladion
Three Decks focused on lesser cards from the latest set.
Heroes of the World Legacy vs Link Merlantean
More of a rough guide than a deeply explored variant. (With no Metaphys Horus)
Five Deck Recipes, covering the major themes supported in the new set from Rituals to new age Machines.
The top two Decks. One is a HAT derivative, the other is Altergeists.
Brought to you by V Jump, to demonstrate how “Shooting Riser Dragon” works in various Synchro centric Decks.