Four “Quarter Century Trinity Box” Decks
Browsing: Konami Decklist
Metarion for Rush Duel with “Pliage the Sacred Shooting Star”!
Delirium from Rush Duels
Dragonmaid Decks & Orcust + The Phantom Knights
Rush Duel: Agent with “Hydra Viper”; Dynamic Dino Dynamix; Red-Eyes Maximum
Ninjas; Ice Barrier; Tachyon; P.U.N.K. + Gold Pride
Adventurer + Witchcrafter; Magistus + Nekoz; Nemleria; Cyberdark
Nekroz + Dogmatika; Gem-Knight + Adamancipator; Jurrac; White Forest + Fiendsmith
Infernoble Knight; Gunkan + Primite; Dinosaur; Mannadium
Whoops. Playing catch up.