Focusing on making the most of Renovation.
Browsing: Casual Decklist
This time, Konami introduces an interesting yet irritating combination of “Altergeists” with “Performapal Five-Rainbow Magician”.
Or: Combine Legendary Fisherman and White Aura tactics.
A fun little Deck for amassing a giant hand to say no to your opponent.
So much Token Spam.
Five Deck Recipes, meant to show off new Decks made possible by cards from “Extreme Force”
“But there’s only one Extra Monster Zone, it’s unplayable now!” Destrudo changes all that.
To go with their Subterror Video, I suppose. It’s a pretty barebones/basic combo variant.
Have you talked to your Subterror Guru about Subterroritis?
Konami’s Deck Instructors suggest a new Crystron Deck that utilizes the new Mako Tsunami themed cards from Legend Duelist.