A defensive trap, a new boss for Shadow Flowers, and a new possibility for Cyberse.
RD/KP08-JP060 埋め盾 Ume Tate (Buried Shield)
Normal Trap Card
[REQUIREMENT] When your opponent Normal Summons a monster, you can activate this by placing 1 Field Spell Card in your Graveyard on the bottom of the Deck.
[EFFECT] Change that monster to face-down Defense Position. Then, choose 1 face-up monster (Wyrm-Type) you control and have it gain 500 ATK/DEF until the end of the turn.
Note: The name is literally Buried Shield, but sounds like Land Reclamation.
RD/JP08-JP038 花牙潜攻サブマリン・ドゥルガー Kage Senkou Submarine Durga (JP: Flower Fang Stealth Submarine Durga/EN: Durga the Shadow Flower Stealth Submarine)
Level 9 EARTH Plant-Type Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 2800
DEF 2000
Materials: “Gatling the Shadow Flower Shinobi” + “Lindo the Shadow Flower Warrior”
[REQUIREMENT] If your opponent controls 2 or more monsters, you can activate this.
[EFFECT] Destroy all face-up monsters (Level 6 or higher) your opponent controls.
Note: Durga is a major goddess in Hinduism representing, among other things, motherhood.
RD/KP08-JP001 ダーク・フェムトロン Dark Femtron
Level 4 DARK Cyberse-Type Normal Monster
ATK 1500
DEF 100
(The source of the draonic tree that is connected to another providence. It conceals infinite branches that lead to an unseen world.)