Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

The Yu-Gi-Oh! League will be featuring: Ishige, Shoya (Fujiki, Yusaku) Nakashima, Yuki (Zaizen, Aoi) Hamano, Daiki (Onizuka, Go) Sakamaki, Manabu (A regular VA for YGO who is most notable as Tsukikage/Moon Shadow) Thunder While the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Stage Guests will be: Kenjiro Tsuda (Kaiba, Seto) (Tokyo Only) Terada, Haruhi (Kujaku, Mai) (Osaka Only) Source

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