Author: Joenen

Number 17 of the YGOrg. I'll write articles on various themes that catch my interest and help out in the newsroom as necessary. I always try to post the best builds I can, or at least ones that I enjoy a lot. That being said, I'm an amateur writer and duelist, so I'm always open to constructive criticism. Please do share your thoughts in the comments, and be sure to check all article urls and tags!

Ladies and gentlemen! Allow me to introduce to you the first ever Pendulum theme in Yu-Gi-Oh! Introduced in The Duelist Advent last year, Performapals have been struggling to find their own identity and embrace a coherent playstyle. However thanks to a few stellar new members, the deck is finally coming together, capable of pulling off glorious show-stopping action! Join me behind the curtain as I explore their performing arts!

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