A man shrouded in darkness. The most reliable hypothesis is that he's a space pilot from another universe, forever marooned by way-less-fun laws of physics. His prodigious talent for reading Sunriseland Runes made him shine during the dreadful "2018 Christmas Incident". As an Italian, he's a fierce opposer to pineapple pizza and ashamed of Italian YGO.
Is this card actually a magician girl by name?
Indeed it is
I wonder about her atk/def stats. Certainly no higher than 2,000 attack, right? Maybe 1,700 or lower defence? Which is high for her lvl. Or her stats going to mirror Kiwi Magician girl, (also spellcaster) she has 1,800 atk, and 1,500 def. And happened to lvl 5 as well
Sky Magician my beloved.
Hi Ms Sakaki.
Then who’s the double tribute?
Yusho do you have a side chick?
no but he did have someone else as his wife in the manga.
I hope she’s like Apprentice Illusion Magician/Nightmare Apprentice for Sky Magician. The deck needs its own native searcher, imo. Her effect would be perfect like this:
“You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by discarding 1 card. You can only Special Summon “Performapal Sky Magician Girl” once per turn this way. This card can be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a “Performapal” monster. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 “Performapal Sky Magician” from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Performapal Sky Magician Girl” once per turn.”
There, both a searcher and immediate tribute fodder for your boss monster. It may be boring because it’s just a copy paste of another two cards with its own twist, but it’s support for a series of cards that barely qualify as an archetype. It already goes a long way to make it playable. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel all the time, y’know? With this kinda effect or not, I hope she’s not the only Performapal Sky support. It’s a really neat theme, so I really wish it gets a couple new stuff to play around with.
its effects are going to be generic, not specific to performapal, and not as good as you’d like
thats vjump promo, thats how it works
be happy if thats half as good as aleiron was to sky striker
I mean Crossout Designator was a jump promo.
Re: Albert’s comment on the effect’s likely being generic:
Honestly, not that hard to tweak what NeoPhoenix made to be generic — just make her 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a Spellcaster (since it’s Yusho’s card and his deck is Spellcaster-oriented compared to Yuya’s menagerie), and tweak her on-summon effect to fetch a Level something or higher Spellcaster (either 6 and up, Sky Magician’s level and up, or 5 and up but not herself if we want this to be stealth Performage support given that’s likely a factor in this appearing).
That being said, they HAVE made less-generic and even theme-specific V-JUMP promos in the past, even the recent past if we consider that Ancient Gear Dragon interacts directly with Ancient Gear Golem in particular for the cost of its negate (I’d bring up Detonating Kuriboh, but that could be argued to work with itself in a vacuum); other examples of archetypal support from V-JUMP that isn’t doing it indirectly include Aileron (who you even mentioned, no less, and is explicitly Sky Striker support), Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon (specifically fetches Red-Eyes Fusion, so inarguably Red-Eyes support), Yorishiro of the Aqua (“Umi” support), and Astral Kuriboh (AGGRESSIVELY Number support).
It’s rare by comparison to them doing a more generic effect intended to support a given theme (e.g., Galaxy War Drake for Galaxy/Photon/definitely not Tachyon, Outburst Dragon for Revolver’s deck, Blaze, Supreme Ruler of All Dragons as a Dragon Ruler Xyz, etc.), but it’s not nonexistent.
For a moment I thought this was Performamage support due to the new support. Maybe we’ll get some of Yusho’s cards in Rage of the Abyss.
We need Clairvoyance, Performapal Sky Ring and Sky Illusion from the Yuri duel.
Some of these V-JUMP promos have tied to concurrent product releases, but then again it was not like we got any new Kuriboh cards lately.
“Lv 5”
Whut, how does this happen when you have practice copy pasting DMG 100 times already.
Clearly this card was designed to build up the Performage engine due to them needing more Level 5 Spellcasters for their bosses.
Also not all female Magician counterparts are Level 6. Gagaga Girl is 3.
Yusho’s other monsters are also odd Leveled. Pupil and Revue are 3, and Magician is 7, so it would be weird if Magician Girl isn’t 5.
In that case Laugh Maker Girl and Smile Sorcerer Girl are still on the table.
whats the point of the card, is this 2016? aint even a pendulum, nor dark, or tuner, cannot deal with 1 card engine handtrap decks. i tell ya no matter what effect it has, it is a useless 0 cent card.
A support card for iconic card used by well liked character?
Not everything must be cater to competitive players, Mr.Boring
Aka Duel Logs. I hate that guy’s channel now. He talks crap about decks that ain’t bad but just not competitive.
99% of all printed cards are not meta. V-JUMP magazine promos are especially not competitive due to their scarcity and how they only get reprinted once in Japan at the end of the year. Sky Magician is a WIND non-Pendulum monster that was used by a Duelist from the Standard Dimension in ARC-V, so of course his female counterpart is not going to be a Pendulum/Tuner/DARK.
Likely this card was created to build up the Performage package as while it is not in the archetype it is still a Level 5 Spellcaster.
@Justin Jones
Yooo i thought i was the only one lol, i have the same feelings too. I also unfollowed.
Way too boring of a content to watch.
@Casual YGO-fan TheDuelLogs is trying way to hard to be like Rank10ygo but without any of the charm or superior editing. Which is a real shame because I used to enjoy watching his videos. Now I don’t even bother anymore.
serious question
why do you still play this game?
@Justin Jones I find most of his content enjoyable, but he has way too many videos with the title “failed cards and mechanics”. At this rate, he will declare 90% of the game to be a failure. Nothing escapes the hammer.
While whether or not this card will directly support Performapals in any explicit capacity (meaning not just in an indirect manner) is very much up in the air (V-Jump promos that are part of an Archetype/directly-supported theme can go either way in terms of them being direct support for that Archetype/theme), I could see Performapal Sky Magician Girl supporting Performage and Performapal Spellcasters. If so, it would work as a way to pay homage to Yusho’s connection to Dennis, while conveniently supporting his Deck’s new wave of support that likes having Level 5 Spellcasters. All the while (ideally) supporting Yusho’s own Performapals, with all of 1 of which he was shown to have being WIND Spellcasters
I love all iterations of Performapals. And I’m enjoying how the new Performages have turned out. Whatever they choose to do, I’ll be looking forward the reveal for this one. (I also wonder, since this is releasing the same month as a Core Booster, will there be Yusho-themed Performapals in Rage of the Abyss? This could also go either way, also.)
I wonder if this card is a teaser to a Yushow performapal deck, a non pendulum focused core that can be at least entertaining to play. How many people haven’t imagined something like that.
Honestly, I always liked the non-Pendulum Tribute Summon-focused side of Yuya’s Performapal cards more than his Pendulum Magicians.
Hopefully this card support both that part of the Deck, and make way for a more unique “Sky Magician” Continuous Spell strategy.
Look like tatsumaki from OPM
2023: Getting support for Zarc
2024: Getting support for Yuya’s dad
2025: Yoko Sakaki Biker chicks released?
Honestly I think the other guys idea of a Yushow/performapal sky magician starter deck does sound quite solid, they could make it focused on using the other summoning methods like Xyz, synchro, and fusion. I can imagine a dozen different performapal monsters if they go down that route.
Would have prefer pendulum version of this,but okay…
Wish it was a pend card, since it would make it more playable, yes pends are weak to BR removals, but still… Not everything has to be meta anyway