It’s time to go ZEXAL.
Note: None of the cited effects are confirmed to be the effects of the cards released in the OCG, and are only mentioned here for context.
These should be handed out to subscribers in late September 2024.
OToNaRi Thunder (Otonari Thunder)
Level 4 ATK 500
Note: This will be renamed to [word]hunder, most likely.
Its effect in the manga was that it could be Special Summoned from the Deck by its own effect if you control 4 “hunder” monsters.
Giant Tacorn (Giant Kra-Corn)
Level 8 Plant
ATK 1000
DEF 2500
In the manga, its effect was if you controlled other Plant monsters, face-up Attack Position Plant monsters you control gained ATK equal to the original ATK of all other Plant monsters you control.
Bunretsu-suru Planaria (Splitting Planarian)
Level 4 Monster
ATK 1000
DEF 800
In the manga, its effect was it could Banish itself to Special Summon 2 “Shadow Planarian” from the Deck.
Shadow Planarian was a Level 3 monster with 500 ATK and 400 DEF.
Source: V Jump
Otanari is “next-door neighbor”. So it would be something like Neighbhunder
Going with the past records of these character’s cards:
– Otonarithunder will end as another extension for generic thunder pile decks.
– Corn Kraken will be either trash or will see very brief moment of playability before being abandoned for better options.
– Splitting Planar will be forgotten after 1 day.
Truly, Princess Cologne was saved by being cute anime girl and got an actual deck build around herself.
This is beyond the fact that the Subscription Promos are usually mid with very few exceptions. Fire Bomber’s the biggest outlier, honestly. Before him, the last time we got an actual GOOD Sub Promo was E-HERO Gaia back in 2008.
sadge metaslave
I hope they release Performapal Mer Maid someday.
I just want to see the Mirror Imagines released as LIGHT Illusion monsters.
Shadow Planarian gonna be a token monster. Shadow only had two different main deck monsters. Now he has just one and some token. He has nothing else left except a generic anti-Xyz trap.
Captain Corn has 4 more cards directly related to his theme including a monster so he might eventually get an actual deck.
Imagine if we got support for a Manga theme in the October set like White Aura last year and it was for Thunderspark. Granpahunder, Grandmahunder, CNo. 91 Chaos Thunder Spark Dragon and House of Thunder.
The thing is that Splitting Planarian was a way that Shadow used in the manga to summon No.48.
I suppose it will just summon 2 level 3 normal monsters, maybe with the same name, maybe limited to DARK or fiend/zombies (iirc Planarian monsters’ type was never revealed in the manga), maybe will lock player into summoning only xyz or DARK monsters for rest of the turn?
Definitively it will not be just “tribute to summon 2 tokens” because that leads nowhere. But an additional effect helping with swarming shadow tokens AFTER player summons No.48 would be useful. Maybe by banishing splitting Planarian from GY?
Ah, that’s right. Xyz can’t use tokens. I guess juries out exactly how it will be adapted. Maybe it will SS 2 Level 3 DARK monsters with the same name but their effects are negated while on the field (simulating Shadow Planarian being a normal monster). Then maybe Shadow Planarian will actually be released in Premium Pack or the spring Sub promos with maybe a beneficial effect for being attached as Xyz material or sent to the GY as Xyz Material.
Aww man itd be pretty cool if they can retrain the hunder family deck
Hopefully they update giant tiacr4n with the ability to special itself. Maybe hardlock you or itself into 🪴
I mean, I expect the actual ATK-boosting effect to be nerfed because currently in your typical Rikka/Sunavalon/Aroma/Whatever plant-based pile this can easily just turn your already strong board into bunch of 8000+ behemoths way too easily. But yeah, besides that it will probably have some kind of special summon effect and additional effect.
They’ll probably merge Incornceivable! Summoning effect into Giant Kra-Corn.
Most of these subscription promos are awful so it doesn’t bode well.
How good do you want limited release promos to be that are locked behind subscription with reprints so rare there’s still subscription promos from more than a decade ago that have never been reprinted?