People have been abusing loops with Blue-Blooded Oni for a while, but a crafty gent down under that goes by the name of Jason Hutchinson has found a way to make them go forever, and while he’s at it, win the Duel! Here’s a FTK that is not only fun to play, but fun to watch as well.
Everyone likes a good FTK once in a while. They take a lot of cards not meant to work together and produce combos worthy of being called Art. This particular one attracted a ton of attention at the Australian Nationals and was so popular that even though he’d go into time every round, nobody was upset with him.
Let’s take a look at this FTK deck by first looking at the deck list below.
To demonstrate this deck, feel free to play along.
Lets just use an example opening hand, from a Duel I had with another Org Member, named Cheesedude.
I opened Black Garden, Armageddon Knight, Forbidden Lance, Raigeki, and Zombie Master.
The hardest part is setting it up. You can do this across multiple turns if necessary, but here is an FTK version using the hand I drew against Cheesedude.
Part 1 – Blue-Blooded Oni Triple Threat:
1. Activate Black Garden.
2. Summon Armageddon Knight, opponent gets a token. Send Summoner Monk from your Deck to your Graveyard.
3. Activate the effect of Black Garden; send itself and the token, to Special Summon Summoner Monk.
4. Activate the effect of Summoner Monk by discarding Raigeki to Special Summon another Summoner Monk from your Deck.
5. Activate the effect of Summoner Monk by discarding Forbidden Lance to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Deck.
6. Overlay 2 Summoner Monks for Lavalval Chain
7. Detach Summoner Monk from Lavalval Chain to send Blue-Blooded Oni from the Deck to the Graveyard.
8. Activate the effect of the Blue-Blooded Oni on the field to Special Summon the second one that is in your Graveyard.
9. Overlay the used Blue-Blooded Oni with Armageddon Knight for a second Lavalval Chain.
10. Detach the Blue-Blooded Oni to send a third Blue-Blooded Oni from your Deck to your Graveyard.
11. Activate the effect of the remaining Blue-Blooded-Oni to Special Summon a Blue-Blooded Oni from the Graveyard.
The result is 1 Blue-Blooded Oni in Graveyard, 2 Lavalval chains with no materials, and two Blue-Blooded Oni’s on the field, one used. Armageddon knight and two summoner monks in our Graveyard.
Part 1 is only 11 steps with this hand, but it can vary, of course. We’re still missing two pieces of the puzzle to make this into an FTK though, it isn’t a sure thing yet.
Part 2 – Zombie Master:
We’re starting with Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Lavalval Chain, Lavalval Chain, Blue-Blooded Oni
1. Overlay 2 Lavalval Chains into Number F0: Utopic Future.
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future (2 materials), Blue-Blooded Oni
2. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching Lavalval Chain from F0 to Special Summon a Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard.
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni
3. Overlay your two used Blue-Blooded Oni for a third Lavalval Chain.
4. Activate the effect of Lavalval Chain, sending Zombie Master from your Deck to your Graveyard.
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Lavalval Chain (1 material)
5. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching from Lavalval Chain to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard.
Blue-Blooded Oni, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Lavalval Chain
6. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching from Number F0: Utopic Future, to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard.
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future, Lavalval Chain, Blue-Blooded Oni
7. Overlay the two used Blue-Blooded Oni for Daigusto Emeral.
8. Detach from Daigusto Emeral and return the two Lavalval Chains and a monster in your Graveyard to your Deck, shuffle and draw a card. Try to keep a Summoner Monk in Graveyard.
Daigusto Emeral (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Lavalval Chain, Blue-Blooded Oni
I still have the starting card (Zombie Master) in my hand, plus the card I drew. In this example, it was a Forbidden Lance.
9. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching from Daigusto Emeral to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard.
Blue-Blooded Oni, Daigusto Emeral, Number F0: Utopic Future, Lavalval Chain, Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
10. Overlay Lavalval Chain and Daigusto Emeral for Number F0: Utopic Future!
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future(2 materials), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
11. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching Lavalval Chain to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard.
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
12. Overlay your used Blue-Blooded Oni for Diamond Dire Wolf
Diamond Dire Wolf (2 materials), Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni
13. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching from Diamond Dire Wolf, to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard.
Diamond Dire Wolf (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
14. Activate the effect of Diamond Dire Wolf, detaching Blue-Blooded Oni to destroy Number F0 Utopic Future and itself. Make sure to choose the one without any Materials!
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material, Emeral), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
My hand has 2 cards: Zombie Master and Forbidden Lance (they can be anything). The Graveyard has Zombie Master, Lavalval Chain, Diamond Dire Wolf, Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni, and hopefully a Summoner Monk.
This is known as ‘The Board’. We will be seeing this field a lot. It isn’t game yet though, we still have one more Monster to get. Our step total is 25.
Part 3 – Mezuki:
Loop 1:
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
1. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from the Graveyard
Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
2. Overlay two used Blue-Blooded Oni for Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni, Evilswarm Exciton Knight (2 materials)
3. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching from Evilswarm Exciton Knight to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Evilswarm Exciton Knight (1 material)
4. Repeat step 3
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Evilswarm Exciton Knight, Blue-Blooded Oni
5. Overlay for Daigusto Emeral and use its effect to return Diamond Dire Wolf, Number F0: Utopic Future, and Daigusto Emeral (you do not shuffle your deck here, as no cards were added to it). Draw a card. In this example I drew Soul Charge.
Number F0: Utopic Future, Daigusto Emeral (1 material), Evilswarm Exciton Knight, Blue-Blooded Oni
6. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni. Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni.
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Daigusto Emeral, Evilswarm Exciton Knight, Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
7. Overlay Daigusto Emeral with Evilswarm Exciton Knight for Number F0: Utopic Future
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Number F0: Utopic Future (2 materials), Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
8. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni and detach Exciton Knight from Utopic Future. Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future, Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
9. Overlay the two used Blue-Blooded Oni for Diamond Dire Wolf.
Diamond Dire Wolf (2 materials), Number F0: Utopic Future, Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni
10. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching from Diamond Dire Wolf to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Diamond Dire Wolf (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
11. Activate the effect of Diamond Dire Wolf, targeting the Utopic future with no materials and itself.
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
Same board as before, but with a drawn card, and an Evilswarm Exciton Knight in the Graveyard. We can do this as many times as we have Rank 4s in our Extra Deck. This loop is finite and only used to add cards to the Graveyard, and draw cards. We’ve drawn twice and had our remaining opening card, so hopefully you have a monster by now. If you don’t, repeat the loop until you get one (or a way to Summon one, such as Instant Fusion). Once you have a monster, We do a variation on Loop 1:
12. Repeat step 1 but instead of Oni, Special Summon Zombie Master.
13. Discard your monster (in my case, Zombie Master) to Special Summon the third Blue-Blooded Oni.
14. Overlay the two used Blue-Blooded Oni for Lavalval Chain.
15. Activate the effect of Lavalval Chain to send Mezuki from your Deck to your Graveyard
16. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni on Lavalval Chain to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard
17. Overlay Zombie Master and the used Blue-Blooded Oni for Daigusto Emeral.
18. Repeat step 5 through 11.
The card I drew from Daigusto Emeral was Terraforming and I used it to search for Black Garden.
With 18 more steps out of the way, we’re at a total of 43!
At this point, thanks to having Summoner Monk in the Graveyard, we have a ‘monster’ in the form of Black Garden. We can continue into Ouroboros next. If you don’t have a monster, or a way to get one; proceed to part 5.
Part 4 – Evilswarm Ouroboros:
Loop 1b, Ouroboros Version:
This is much the same as Loop 1. There are some slight variations however.
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
1. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching the Daigusto Emeral to Special Summon Zombie Master* (* – if you have a monster to discard from your hand, otherwise Summoner Monk/Kamionwizard. If you do not, Special Summon a Blue-Blooded Oni in Step 1 and use the alternative Summoning Method to get a fourth level 4 monster in play.)
Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Zombie Master*
2? Activate the effect of Zombie Master, discarding the monster from your hand to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Zombie Master*
3. Overlay 2 Blue-Blooded Oni and Zombie Master for Evilswarm Ouroboros
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Evilswarm Ouroboros (3 materials).
4. Detach Zombie Master* to make them discard a card. I hit Cheesedude’s Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One in this case.
5. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching Blue-Blooded Oni from Evilswarm Ouroboros to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Blue-Blooded Oni, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future, Evilswarm Ouroboros (1 material)
6. Repeat step 5
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future, Evilswarm Ouroboros, Blue-Blooded Oni
7. Make Emeral, return F0, Emeral, and Dire Wolf. Draw a card. This time I drew Allure of Darkness.
Daigusto Emeral (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Evilswarm Ouroboros, Blue-Blooded Oni
8. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching Blue-Blooded Oni from Daigusto Emeral to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard
Blue-Blooded Oni, Daigusto Emeral, Number F0: Utopic Future, Evilswarm Ouroboros, Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
9. Overlay Evilswarm Ouroboros with Daigusto Emeral for Number F0: Utopic Future
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future (2 materials), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
10. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni and detach the Evilswarm Ouroboros. Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from the Graveyard.
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni, Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
11. Overlay the 2 used Blue-Blooded Oni for Diamond Dire Wolf
Diamond Dire Wolf (2 materials), Number F0: Utopic Future(1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni
12. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching Blue-Blooded Oni from Diamond Dire Wolf to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from your Graveyard
Diamond Dire Wolf (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
13. Activate the effect of Diamond Dire Wolf, targeting the Number F0: Utopic Future with no materials and itself.
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
Now your Graveyard has F0, Dire Wolf, Ouroboros, the third Oni, Exciton Knight, 2 Lavalval Chains, Mezuki, Zombie Master, and hopefully Summoner Monk, if you’ve been following along. It’s possible you have a few less generic Rank 4s like Exciton Knight and Lavalval Chain in the Graveyard at this point and that is okay. This is a repetition of loop 1, and still finite to our Rank 4 total. However this one trades a monster in hand (or way to Summon one such as Instant Fusion or Black Garden) for a card in the opponent’s hand.
13 more Steps, we’re at 56.
To make this loop truly infinite we need part 5.
Part 5 – Bujinki Amaterasu:
Loop 2:
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
1. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni on Utopic Future to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
2. Banish Mezuki to Special Summon Zombie Master
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Zombie Master
3. Overlay the two used Oni and Zombie Master for Bujinki Amaterasu
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Bujinki Amaterasu (3 materials)
4. Detach Zombie Master from Bujinki Amaterasu to Special Summon the banished Mezuki
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Bujinki Amaterasu (2 materials), Mezuki
5. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching from Bujinki Amaterasu to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future, Bujinki Amaterasu(1 material), Mezuki, Blue-Blooded Oni
6. Overlay the Mezuki and used Blue-Blooded Oni for Diamond Dire Wolf
Diamond Dire Wolf (2 materials), Number F0: Utopic Future, Bujinki Amaterasu (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni
7. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni on Dire Wolf to Special Blue-Blooded Oni from the Graveyard
Diamond Dire Wolf (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Bujinki Amaterasu (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
8. Activate the effect of Diamond dire Wolf, targeting Utopic Future and itself
Bujinki Amaterasu (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
9. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni on Bujinki Amaterasu to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni from the Graveyard
Bujinki Amaterasu, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
From here, we can resolve Daigusto Emeral 3 times.
10. Overlay 2 Blue-Blooded Oni to Summon Emeral,
11. Activate the effect of Daigusto Emeral and return F0, Dire Wolf, and an Emeral. Draw 1 card. I drew Book of Eclipse.
Bujinki Amaterasu, Daigusto Emeral (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni
12. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni on Daigusto Emeral to Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Bujinki Amaterasu, Daigusto Emeral, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
13. Overlay Bujinki Amaterasu and Daigusto Emeral for Number F0: Utopic Future
Number F0: Utopic Future (2 materials), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
14. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni, detaching Daigusto Ameral to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
15. Overlay the two used Blue-Blooded Oni to Summon Emeral,
16. Activate the effect of Daigusto Emeral and return Ouroboros, Emeral, and F0. Draw a card. I drew Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Daigusto Emeral (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni
17. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni and Special summon Blue-Blooded Oni by detaching from Daigusto Emeral
18. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni and Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni by detaching from F0
Number F0: Utopic Future, Daigusto Emeral, Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
19. Overlay the two used Blue-Blooded Oni to Summon Daigusto Emeral.
20. Activate the effect of Daigusto Emeral and return Amaterasu, Diamond Dire Wolf, and one of the Rank 4s (in this case, Exciton Knight). Draw 1 card. I drew Photon Thrasher.
Number F0: Utopic Future, Daigusto Emeral, Daigusto Emeral (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni
21. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni on Daigusto Emeral to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Daigusto Emeral, Daigusto Emeral, Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
22. Overlay the two Daigusto Emeral to Xyz Summon Number F0: Utopic Future
Blue-Blooded Oni, Number F0: Utopic Future, Number F0: Utopic Future (2 materials), Blue-Blooded Oni (used)
23. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded Oni on F0
Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Number F0: Utopic Future, Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
24. Overlay the two used Blue-Blooded Oni for Diamond Dire Wolf
Diamond Dire Wolf (2 materials), Number F0: Utopic Future, Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni
25. Activate the effect of Blue-Blooded On, detaching from Diamond Dire Wolf to Special Summon Blue-Blooded Oni
Diamond Dire Wolf (1 material), Number F0: Utopic Future, Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
26. Activate the effect of Diamond Dire Wolf, targeting the Number F0: Utopic Future with no materials and itself.
Number F0: Utopic Future (1 material), Blue-Blooded Oni (used), Blue-Blooded Oni
We’re back at ‘The Board’. 26 steps added to our 56 so far is an 82 total. We have Zombie Master and Mezuki (and hopefully Summoner Monk) in our Graveyard, along with a third Blue-Blooded Oni, a Daigusto Emeral, an F0, and a Diamond Dire Wolf. We can do this loop again, but we’d have to put back an actual monster into our Deck. This loop recycled Ouroboros, while using and recycling Amaterasu and Mezuki. It draws 3 cards. We want to do loop 1 again to put Exciton Knight back into the Graveyard (and draw a card), and do part 5 again to draw 3 more, indefinitely. We can trade a monster in hand for one of their in-hand cards using Ouroboros instead of Exciton Knight any time we want. Let’s do the loop four more times, to get rid of Cheesedude’s entire hand.
Doing loop 1, I draw a card, and trade the Zephyros in my hand for a card in his, this time being Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena. I drew Armageddon Knight. I do Loop 2 to draw 3 more and get back to this point. I drew Armageddon Knight again, Plaguespreader Zombie, and Upstart Goblin.
Lets do the two loops again, this time Trading Plaguespreader from my hand, to make him discard Heraldic Beast Aberconway while I drew four cards – Upstart Goblin, Reinforcement of the Army, Dynatherium, and Instant Fusion.
13 cards left in Deck, so lets do it 2 more times. I’ll discard Dynatherium and Photon Thrasher, discard his last two cards, and draw 8.
I hit Heraldic Beast Leo, so he gets to add a card, darn. He added Heraldic Beast Basilisk, what a guy. I drew 2, this time Reinforcement of the Army, Terraforming, and Book of Eclipse.
Second time, I hit that Basilisk, and drew Foolish Burial, Black Garden, Forbidden Lance, and Instant Fusion.
Thanks to Leo, I’ll have to do it one more time, discarding Armageddon Knight.
I hit Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian’s Force while drawing Upstart Goblin, Book of Eclipse, Instant Fusion, and Armageddon Knight. I have 1 card left in Deck so lets Upstart Goblin for it, why not. It’s a Terraforming.
I have 21 cards in hand, he has 9000 Life Points and no hand.
Part 6 – Fatality:
1a. Activate Instant Fusion if you haven’t, paying 1000 Life Points to Summon Kamionwizard. Proceed to Step 2.
1b. If you have, overlay your two Blue-Blooded Oni for Daigusto Emeral.
1c. Detach a Blue-Blooded Oni to activate the second effect of Daigusto Emeral and Special Summon Kamionwizard from your Graveyard.
2. Place a card from your hand on top of your deck to Special Summon Plaguespreader Zombie from your Graveyard. I chose Black Garden in this example, just so I could activate Terraforming to get it back and amuse myself.
3. Synchro Summon Tempest Magician, banishing your Plaguespreader and putting a counter on her.
4. Count the cards in your hand.
5. Multiply the number of cards in your hand by 500.
6a. If your opponent’s Life Points are equal to or lower than that number, activate the effect of Tempest Magician to discard your entire hand and place counters on her equal to the number of cards you discard. Proceed to Step 7.
6b. If your opponent’s Life Points are higher than that number, Set your Forbidden Lances, loop and establish a board that puts 8000 on the field, and discard the remaining cards in your hand to get as many counters on Tempest Magician as possible.
7. Activate the effect of Tempest Magicians to inflict as much damage as possible. Proceed to step 8 if the opponent survives
8. End your turn with 3 Lances and a Book of Eclipse Set with as impressive a field as you can manage, and see if your opponent can somehow win with the 1 card they draw. Defeat them during your next turn.
In my example, I have 19 cards in hand, so let’s get her to 20 counters. That’s 10,000 Damage! Good thing I didn’t play all 3 Upstart Goblins. However, even if I did, I played a few silly cards and hurt my hand size. We also could just not Deck ourselves out, and let him try to come back with his top Deck while we have 3 Lances set.
8 steps in part 6 brings our grand total to 90 Steps!
This is quite an interesting loop to watch happen, for a change. It’s really neat and it lead Clement Louey to a top 32 finish at Australian Nationals (with a substandard Deck list, due to not being able to acquire all of the cards!).
Able to memorize all of it? Most people can’t seem to figure this one out on their own, it’s a lot to remember! In my example, not playing Terraforming meant I could do 10,500 damage, so I’m inclined to think maybe Evilswarm Exciton Knight should be Gagaga Cowboy. Who knows, maybe there’s other changes you could make too. Let us know what you think!