Pyro Fusion for Rush Duel, Blue-Eyes with new tricks, and Subterror with Vernusylph.
Browsing: Konami Decklist
Galaxy for Rush Duels, Destiny HERO with Bradamante, World Legacy, and 5 Greed themed Decks.
Noble Knights + Adventurer; The Weather; Five “Insomnia Day”
Branded-Runick and Face Card-Monarch with the New Spirit Ace!
Solfachord with the latest cards, and Infernity + Labrynth
Mathmech with new Firewall Deck, and Shaddoll with Despia toys!
Orcust + Rokket & Karakuri
Go Big on Fusion
Red Dragon Archfiend with Assault Synchron, an Infernity Deck with modern toys, and Theme Chronicle Decks.
Metalfoes joins the Rebellion, along with a HERO Deck!