A new Mecha Phantom Beast appears, designed to help get Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens out onto the field.
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Circuit Break brings us a new Dragon Tuner that just won’t stay dead for long…
Remember the Dice from Asia all the way back? Apparently they’re finally hitting the TCG.
The first of many articles, I’m here to tell you the best of what Crimson Kingdom has to offer for Duel Links…
The North American Blog has revealed the rarity, text and numbers of the new Timelords!
Konami has confirmed that as a first for the Japanese World Championship Qualifiers, they’ll be doing live streaming.
Plus confirmed full stats and effects of Caspar.
Cyberdark Impact!, the classic Fusion Spell for Cyberdark, is being reprinted for the OCG.
One we knew, but we didn’t know which number it was in the set.
The gallery for Pendulum Evolution is here.