The flames of the inferno relight the forge leading to the path of metal once again.
ALIN-JP025 真紅眼の鋼爪竜 Red-Eyes Metal Claw Dragon
Level 7 DARK Dragon Effect Monster
ATK 2400
DEF 2000
You can only use the (1)st and (2)nd effects of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) You can send 1 of your Set cards to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand.
(2) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned and you have “Max Metalmorph” on your field or in your GY: You can add 1 “Metalmorph” Trap from your Deck or GY to your hand.
(3) You can activate “Metalmorph” Traps the turn they are Set.
Oh this is…… an actually really good metalmorph support. Allowing you to activate the metalmorph cards the turn it is set is REALLY good and it is another dragon that can special summon itself that also searches for the metalmorph traps
It still feels pretty bizarre to me that a Metalmorph “archetype” (don’t you dare go uhm actually on me) is more playable than the actual Red-Eyes one.
What’s to um actually? It is an archetype
These cards have a consistent play style unlike Red-Eyes.
Yes, I do find it ironic the Red-Eyes and Flame Swordsman cards are so far better in Metalmorph too.
The Wikia-created disction between what is Archetype and not is stupid, anyway.
In magic “Archetype” (where all other tcgs blatantly copies a lot of terminology) Archetype means a type of deck on macro-level, Aggro, Control etc. Obviously Yu-gi-oh! works bit different and especially nowadays virtually any deck can play Aggro, control and combo styles at the same time but still…
For me in Yu-gi-oh! if a series of cards are obviously designed to be played together and share some aesthetic and mechanical elements then it’s an Archetype.
The designation is there solely for mechanics reasons. There are gameplay differences between “(archetype)” and “(specifically named card) or cards that mention it.”
Not very weird when considering the other Red-Eyes cards are quite older, and how almost any newer deck theme released in the recent couple years have been much stronger because of power creep. Before the newest cards Blue-Eyes wasn’t good either outside of a very short time period.
this is an actual archetype though “Metalmorph” Traps makes it one
Red-Eyes is in that unfortunate spot where any potential support has to be weighed against its most impressive members and so it just ends up getting grab bags that are at best auxiliary to other decks. It’s a deck that suffers from having some very good options.
Idk seems about right to me
Sorry, distinct play-styles aren’t allowed around here. Alas, the only archetype ygo actually has is combo.
Shame that its metalmorph. When i heard bandit keith was getting an archtype i was really hoping for barrel dragons.
Dont get me wrong its still a cool deck and you can play desperado in it. But mechanic dragons with guns just sound epic and i just want more archtypes that do stuff with luck
It’s Bri help me please I can’t take Pats righing of static all over the God damn house it’s killing me I have so much stomach pain I can’t even eat or drink it’s literally that bad how he has the wiring he even locked me out in the snow with no coat or ever I was frozen now he is saying sleep on the basement floor? Wtf is going on
Red eyes NOT being playable is just a meme right now.
The deck got a lot a good supports. Just because it isn’t S tier like Dark Magician it doesn’t mean they are not good enough to be playable or versatile enough.
Oh this is a good card. Just bad that it cannot also special itself if you control a red-eyes monster too. It would have been very playable.
If this card is special summoned it searches a metalmorph, if it set the metalmorph instead it would have been an amazing red-eyes soul target
This… This card fixes many problems in the deck. It is an heavily searchable extender (by Approaching Maniche AND Black Metal Dragon) that helps with making Rank 7 easier. Plus, it helps make Max Metalmorph and Flame Metalmorph works going second and going first. It is an instant 3-off in the deck that helps access Metal Flameswordsman easier.
Also, this card is basically the dragon who turn into Red-Eyes Black Full Metal Dragon. I LOVE this card !
I can see the potential with red eyes slash dragon
This is unfortunately not RE support card, this is a Metalmorph card that just happens to have RE in its name
You probably won’t use this thing in RE deck, aside from as an easy to SS another level 7 body for Xyz material
Aside from red-eyes / metalmorph / other support, this card also benefits from the new dragon ruler support because it’s a lv 7. Not bad
…d-link got a new toy.
Oh hey, Metalmorph finally has a starter
Is “to your GY” too much to expect for costs in a post-Mimighoul world??
I’m the only one who finds funny how Red-Eyes most consistent strategy is based around a Trap Card that Joey stole with his Grave Robber during a duel and was the ace card of another duelist?
And he use it against Rex Raptor during the Orichalcos arc
I mean they could (finally) print Time Wizard as a spell and monetize that but I don’t think anyone’s in the mood for another Dark Magician variant so soon.
I was annoyed that Claws of the Dark Dragon Tribe could be equipped to non-dragons before realizing it had to be worded that way to be equipable to REBMD. I also just realized this moment it prevents the monster from being destroyed by Blast Sphere, neat. Now, how manga Jono obtained it will remain an enigma.
Art-wise, this Red-Eyes is replicating the pose when Jonouchi/Joey makes his iconic expression.
Oh, he is.
This is the 10th new Metalmorph card already. We better be getting 5 more Arcana Force cards between this and the next set.
We got to wait +14 years.
So at best those cards come out on 2039
Honestly I’m glad there are so many different ways to play a deck now yeah people like to stick to one type of archetype in tournaments but it’s like we are in a time where similar to the anime people will throw something together and make it there own is possible.
horray for new metalmorph
Do you think The Legendary Fisherman will get the Metalmorph treatment?
I’m hoping they’ll bring the Heavy Metal Musician King, since that was also made with Metalmorph.
Depends if they want to double-up on types. If not I could go for some metalized insect queen. Would the 1200 atk larva tokens be machine type? Someone has to ask the real questions.
Still waiting on that BEUD 🐉 Mammoth 🦣 Graveyard 🧟♂️ Fusion.
All of that are trash ! Embraces the red eyes b. dragon !
Also give us Big Bang Dragon Blow already Konami. Or a new Hermos fusion in general.
Dragon Link will never die.
The deck is dead. It have no real end board.
Tenpai completely took its place as the new best dragon deck.
am just waiting for a metalmorph trap that has the same effect as old metalmorph with the protection of the new one