The coming of the Predaplants.
Secret Rares (8/8)
INOV-EN037 Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended
INOV-EN038 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
INOV-EN039 Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
INOV-EN049 Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon
INOV-EN052 Toadally Awesome
INOV-EN078 Dimensional Barrier
INOV-EN081 Vermillion Dragon Mech
INOV-EN082 Subterror Nemesis Archer
Ultra Rares (10/10)
INOV-EN016 Crystron Citree
INOV-EN021 True King Bahrastos, the Fathomer
INOV-EN040 Metalfoes Mithrilium
INOV-EN041 Meteor Black Comet Dragon
INOV-EN044 Crystron Quandax
INOV-EN046 Crystron Phoenix
INOV-EN048 Denglong, First of the Yang Zing
INOV-EN051 Darktellarknight Batlamyus
INOV-EN059 Catalyst Field
INOV-EN084 Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus
Super Rares (14/14)
INOV-EN015 Crystron Quan
INOV-EN033 Torque Tune Gear
INOV-EN036 Cyber Angel Vrash
INOV-EN045 Crystron Ametrix
INOV-EN050 Vola-Chemicritter Methydraco
INOV-EN054 The Phantom Knights’ Rank-Up-Magic Launch
INOV-EN058 Fullmetalfoes Fusion
INOV-EN062 Tellarknight Genesis
INOV-EN065 Pot of Acquisitiveness
INOV-EN067 King’s Synchro
INOV-EN083 Subterror Behemoth Stygokraken
INOV-EN087 SPYRAL Master Plan
INOV-EN099 Paleozoic Opabinia
Rares (20/20)
INOV-EN000 Space Dragster
INOV-EN001 Dragon Core Hexer
INOV-EN002 Performapal Whim Witch
INOV-EN006 Predaplant Flytrap
INOV-EN009 Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker
INOV-EN026 Poly-Chemicritter Dioxogre
INOV-EN028 Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact
INOV-EN042 Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi
INOV-EN043 Flower Cardian Boardefly
INOV-EN047 Aromaseraphy Rosemary
INOV-EN056 Super Koi Koi
INOV-EN060 Red-Eyes Insight
INOV-EN073 Burnout
INOV-EN076 Qlife’s End
INOV-EN077 Nine Pillars of Yang Zing
INOV-EN085 Subterror Behemoth Burrowing
INOV-EN086 Charming Resort Staff
INOV-EN090 Saber Reflection
INOV-EN091 Constellar Tempest
INOV-EN000 Space Dragster (Rare)
INOV-EN001 Dragon Core Hexer (Rare)
INOV-EN002 Performapal Whim Witch (Rare)
INOV-EN003 Performapal Flip Hippo (Common)
INOV-EN004 Performapal Seal Eel (Common)
INOV-EN005 Performapal Changiraffe (Common)
INOV-EN006 Predaplant Flytrap (Rasre)
INOV-EN007 Predaplant Moray Nepenthes (Common)
INOV-EN008 Predaplant Squid Drosera (Common)
INOV-EN009 Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker (Rare)
INOV-EN010 Cipher Twin Raptor (Common)
INOV-EN011 Cipher Mirror Knight (Common)
INOV-EN012 Flower Cardian Clover with Boar (Common)
INOV-EN013 Flower Cardian Maple with Deer (Common)
INOV-EN014 Flower Cardian Peony with Butterfly (Common)
INOV-EN015 Crystron Quan (Super Rare)
INOV-EN016 Crystron Citree (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN017 Crystron Prasiortle (Common)
INOV-EN018 Crystron Smiger (Common)
INOV-EN019 Crystron Thystvern (Common)
INOV-EN020 Crystron Rosenix (Common)
INOV-EN021 True King Bahrastos, the Fathomer (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN022 Raremetalfoes Bismugear (Common)
INOV-EN023 Chemicritter Hydron Hawk (Common)
INOV-EN024 Chemicritter Carbo Crab (Common)
INOV-EN025 Chemicritter Oxy Ox (Common)
INOV-EN026 Poly-Chemicritter Dioxogre (Rare)
INOV-EN027 Poly-Chemicritter Hydragon (Common)
INOV-EN028 Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact (Rare)
INOV-EN029 PSY-Frame Multi-Threader (Common)
INOV-EN030 Graydle Slime Jr. (Common)
INOV-EN031 Aromaseraphy Angelica (Common)
INOV-EN032 Doki Doki (Common)
INOV-EN033 Torque Tune Gear (Super Rare)
INOV-EN034 Pandora’s Jewelry Box (Common)
INOV-EN035 Fairy Tail – Sleeper (Common)
INOV-EN036 Cyber Angel Vrash (Super Rare)
INOV-EN037 Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended (Secret Rare)
INOV-EN038 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon (Secret Rare)
INOV-EN039 Fullmetalfoes Alkahest (Secret Rare)
INOV-EN040 Metalfoes Mithrilium (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN041 Meteor Black Comet Dragon (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN042 Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi (Rare)
INOV-EN043 Flower Cardian Boardefly (Rare)
INOV-EN044 Crystron Quandax (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN045 Crystron Ametrix (Super Rare)
INOV-EN046 Crystron Phoenix (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN047 Aromaseraphy Rosemary (Rare)
INOV-EN048 Denglong, First of the Yang Zing (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN049 Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon (Secret Rare)
INOV-EN050 Vola-Chemicritter Methydraco (Super Rare)
INOV-EN051 Darktellarknight Batlamyus (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN052 Toadally Awesome (Secret Rare)
INOV-EN053 Amazing Pendulum (Common)
INOV-EN054 The Phantom Knights’ Rank-Up-Magic Launch (Super Rare)
INOV-EN055 Flower Stacking (Common)
INOV-EN056 Super Koi Koi (Rare)
INOV-EN057 Crystolic Potential (Common)
INOV-EN058 Fullmetalfoes Fusion (Super Rare)
INOV-EN059 Catalyst Field (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN060 Red-Eyes Insight (Rare)
INOV-EN061 Igknights Unite (Common)
INOV-EN062 Tellarknight Genesis (Super Rare)
INOV-EN063 “A” Cell Recombination Device (Common)
INOV-EN064 Sprite’s Blessing (Common)
INOV-EN065 Pot of Acquisitiveness (Super Rare)
INOV-EN066 Quarantine (Common)
INOV-EN067 King’s Synchro (Super Rare)
INOV-EN068 Double Cipher (Common)
INOV-EN069 Cipher Bit (Common)
INOV-EN070 Fraud Freeze (Common)
INOV-EN071 Crystron Entry (Common)
INOV-EN072 Crystron Impact (Common)
INOV-EN073 Burnout (Rare)
INOV-EN074 PSY-Frame Accelerator (Common)
INOV-EN075 Graydle Combat (Common)
INOV-EN076 Qlife’s End (Rare)
INOV-EN077 Nine Pillars of Yang Zing (Rare)
INOV-EN078 Dimensional Barrier (Secret Rare)
INOV-EN079 Summon Gate (Common)
INOV-EN080 Present Card (Common)
INOV-EN081 Vermillion Dragon Mech (Secret Rare)
INOV-EN082 Subterror Nemesis Archer (Secret Rare)
INOV-EN083 Subterror Behemoth Stygokraken (Super Rare)
INOV-EN084 Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus (Ultra Rare)
INOV-EN085 Subterror Behemoth Burrowing (Rare)
INOV-EN086 Charming Resort Staff (Rare)
INOV-EN087 SPYRAL Master Plan (Super Rare)
INOV-EN088 SPYRAL MISSION – Assault (Rare)
INOV-EN089 SPYRAL Resort (Super Rare)
INOV-EN090 Saber Reflection (Rare)
INOV-EN091 Constellar Tempest (Rare)
INOV-EN092 Caninetaur (Common)
INOV-EN093 Dino-Sewing (Common)
INOV-EN094 Mare Mare (Common)
INOV-EN095 Paleozoic Eldonia (Common)
INOV-EN096 Paleozoic Dinomischus (Common)
INOV-EN097 Paleozoic Marrella (Common)
INOV-EN098 Paleozoic Leanchoilia (Common)
INOV-EN099 Paleozoic Opabinia (Super Rare)