rush enjoyer on
cope and seethe, honey
lmao on
imagine being this wrong
... on
This is what excessive exposure to micro plastics will do to you.
Anon on
Never tried nor heard of sevens, so it’s gonna be something new for once
TwistaG on
How have you not heard of Sevens its on Disney XD
Epicsledge0510 on
Wasnt a fan of sevens but im excited to try out rush duel without needed to buy a switch game
Sevens and GO Rush sucks. Yudias and the Twins are the only characters that are worthy to be on a cover packs. The story and other characters designs are absolutely trash.
Justin Jones on
Agree the only decent characters were Nail Saionji and Yuga Goha. Every other character sucked.
rush enjoyer on
I’m sorry that you don’t like fun.
Rodney Doogle's Dad on
Reminder these people have been screeching about sevens and rush duel for 3 years now soon to be 4. I’ve never seen such vitriol for an alternate format that has no bearing or effect on their lives, hell it even improves their interests since it means we get more legacy support and no situational anime cards anymore.
If given a choice I think most of these people would want to see sevens and rush duel in the same jail cell as Trump.
They see it as a Zero Sum situation, that Rush Duel existing is stealing from the OCG/TCG in some vague unspecified manner.
Rodney McDoogle's Uncle on
It’s c0ckblocking new Extra Deck summoning methods and new anime only cards that can be added to EdoPro. All of which has halted ever since VRAINS ended.
Ned on
Hopefully this paves the way to RD localizations outside of Asia.
@Rush Enjoyer, It’s not my problem that you enjoy trash and garbage
Justin Jones on
Its says alot about Rush Duels whenever people get very defensive about it when people speak their depleasure for it.
Rodney McDoogle's Uncle on
It’s because these losers can’t keep up with the high-octane meta and the evolution of the game. Rush duels can go shoot itself in the face.
Salt Mining on
I’m with your sister right now and we’ve been playing rush duels all night long.
Rodney McDoogle's Uncle on
She was never a bright one to begin with so that’s not surprising.
MakeRushDuelGreatAgain on
I’m too, excited with an alternate format at first. Then Maximum came, combine 3 monsters into 1 monster, like God Link, how cool is that? Then Fusion came, alright it’s not new mechanic, but it’s like traditional Fusion from TCG where they combine 2 weak monster into strong monster. Your weak monsters that usually used as tribute material can now be used as Fusion. Good design.
And then.. that’s it?
There’s nothing new mechanic anymore. In early Go Rush you even back to vanilla tribute play (yeah yeah it’s according lore, but whatever man). Like, what do they intend to do with rush duel now? It seems like they give up (maybe because people still play TCG more and viewing Master Duel success), or I don’t know, man.. I wish they can do something new and exciting.
Equip spell didn’t count btw.
Mister Rosalina on
Personally I much rather keep Rush Duel slow paced as possible. Aside from the usual meta where the fast-paced decks can thrive as much as per new set is introduced to see what decks in particular is very good whether it’s from the anime or the support for older archetypes exclusively in RD.
I argue the following reasons Rush Duels should limit the introduction of specific cards for a certain duelist in the anime or the archetype introduced in the game.
– Flip monsters are not a possibility to translate into the game.
– Quick-Play Spells and Counter Traps are counterintuitive and confusing to the player.
– Effect chains are gone.
– Mandatory and/or Trigger effects from the OCG/TCG is change to Ignition so you can only activate effects manually, and so on.
MakeRushDuelGreatAgain on
@Mister Rosalina
What I mean when I said I want something new and exciting in Rush Duel is, doesn’t mean I want something that TCG already have. You don’t need that Flip or Quickplay or something like that.
That’s the problem with Rush Duel. Even though it’s a different card game, they tried to make it as close as the TCG. Since it’s a different game, why they not just tried something new that TCG didn’t have? Just go crazy man. Maximum is the example, something crazy and new that TCG didn’t have.
To further clarify, that also doesn’t mean new summon method too. What I think cool is something like Duema/MTG/Pokemon, new keyword/mechanic each block and gameplay around that, so that there’s something new & fresh each block.
The Gley on
Duel Rush deserved much more than being played for Duel Links, it was supposed to have its own game! I hate Konami
Austin on
Just so you who dissed rush duels and especially those who dissed rush duels one there aren’t a lot of new summoning methods but that doesn’t mean there aren’t new cards unique to the format with different strategies to try two I wish people like you would stop with bad Comments and try to look for more good than bad cause if there is one thing I have seen from such people it is this great unique ideas no matter what form of entertainment and inspiration in my perspective have been shut down and other such things cause everything including rush duel based cartoons have those moments to me that an amazing version of their own unique features and everything else and the way the designers at Konami and other places along with actors and other such things bring it to life I find it all amazing whether I’m hated by the people of this world or not I will not tolerate people who diss the unique qualities in everything on this world including each every Person on it
Rodney McDoogle's Uncle on
Rush duel is a bastardization of the original game and evidently breeds braindead people. Poor guy can’t even write a coherent sentence.
The Truth on
I’m happy to see SEVENS added to Duel Links but I wish they waited just one more year as their existence may slightly delay getting characters from older series such as all of the Dark Signers or Bracelet Girls.
The Truth on
As for the OCG/TCG vs. RUSH debate, I feel the latter is far superior. The game became far too complex for me in ARC-V and I despise how overpowered every card is as they all have to have two or three effects. I hate reading cards with walls of texts and having to be on top of the 10 GY effects my opponent has before making a move. Link Monsters tried to mitigate the Extra Deck but made it even harder for newbies to understand the game. There’s no way that any new player could become a fan of the OCG/TCG. RUSH Duels, however, are fairly straight forward and great for introducing new players to this world.
Mister Rosalina on
Yeah, and people just don’t simply get it, as I personally want slow-paced and simplified format that I can play and enjoy anytime.
Tensei on
I’m obsessed with Rush Duels. I think going back to structure deck format and potentially having only one legend per deck, 20 cards and 4000 life could give a negative impression of a game that’s developed a lot recently. The biggest strength is that it’s very intuitive. The draw 5 nature of it makes it high variance but small decisions can be very rewarded.
Wil on
Not counting on it, but I hope this means Konami is planning on bringing the Rush Duel cards and format to the TCG.
Don’t care. Sevens still sucks.
it’s unfortunate you can’t handle peak
cope and seethe, honey
imagine being this wrong
This is what excessive exposure to micro plastics will do to you.
Never tried nor heard of sevens, so it’s gonna be something new for once
How have you not heard of Sevens its on Disney XD
Wasnt a fan of sevens but im excited to try out rush duel without needed to buy a switch game
Sevens and GO Rush sucks. Yudias and the Twins are the only characters that are worthy to be on a cover packs. The story and other characters designs are absolutely trash.
Agree the only decent characters were Nail Saionji and Yuga Goha. Every other character sucked.
I’m sorry that you don’t like fun.
Reminder these people have been screeching about sevens and rush duel for 3 years now soon to be 4. I’ve never seen such vitriol for an alternate format that has no bearing or effect on their lives, hell it even improves their interests since it means we get more legacy support and no situational anime cards anymore.
If given a choice I think most of these people would want to see sevens and rush duel in the same jail cell as Trump.
They see it as a Zero Sum situation, that Rush Duel existing is stealing from the OCG/TCG in some vague unspecified manner.
It’s c0ckblocking new Extra Deck summoning methods and new anime only cards that can be added to EdoPro. All of which has halted ever since VRAINS ended.
Hopefully this paves the way to RD localizations outside of Asia.
@Rush Enjoyer, It’s not my problem that you enjoy trash and garbage
Its says alot about Rush Duels whenever people get very defensive about it when people speak their depleasure for it.
It’s because these losers can’t keep up with the high-octane meta and the evolution of the game. Rush duels can go shoot itself in the face.
I’m with your sister right now and we’ve been playing rush duels all night long.
She was never a bright one to begin with so that’s not surprising.
I’m too, excited with an alternate format at first. Then Maximum came, combine 3 monsters into 1 monster, like God Link, how cool is that? Then Fusion came, alright it’s not new mechanic, but it’s like traditional Fusion from TCG where they combine 2 weak monster into strong monster. Your weak monsters that usually used as tribute material can now be used as Fusion. Good design.
And then.. that’s it?
There’s nothing new mechanic anymore. In early Go Rush you even back to vanilla tribute play (yeah yeah it’s according lore, but whatever man). Like, what do they intend to do with rush duel now? It seems like they give up (maybe because people still play TCG more and viewing Master Duel success), or I don’t know, man.. I wish they can do something new and exciting.
Equip spell didn’t count btw.
Personally I much rather keep Rush Duel slow paced as possible. Aside from the usual meta where the fast-paced decks can thrive as much as per new set is introduced to see what decks in particular is very good whether it’s from the anime or the support for older archetypes exclusively in RD.
I argue the following reasons Rush Duels should limit the introduction of specific cards for a certain duelist in the anime or the archetype introduced in the game.
– Flip monsters are not a possibility to translate into the game.
– Quick-Play Spells and Counter Traps are counterintuitive and confusing to the player.
– Effect chains are gone.
– Mandatory and/or Trigger effects from the OCG/TCG is change to Ignition so you can only activate effects manually, and so on.
@Mister Rosalina
What I mean when I said I want something new and exciting in Rush Duel is, doesn’t mean I want something that TCG already have. You don’t need that Flip or Quickplay or something like that.
That’s the problem with Rush Duel. Even though it’s a different card game, they tried to make it as close as the TCG. Since it’s a different game, why they not just tried something new that TCG didn’t have? Just go crazy man. Maximum is the example, something crazy and new that TCG didn’t have.
To further clarify, that also doesn’t mean new summon method too. What I think cool is something like Duema/MTG/Pokemon, new keyword/mechanic each block and gameplay around that, so that there’s something new & fresh each block.
Duel Rush deserved much more than being played for Duel Links, it was supposed to have its own game! I hate Konami
Just so you who dissed rush duels and especially those who dissed rush duels one there aren’t a lot of new summoning methods but that doesn’t mean there aren’t new cards unique to the format with different strategies to try two I wish people like you would stop with bad Comments and try to look for more good than bad cause if there is one thing I have seen from such people it is this great unique ideas no matter what form of entertainment and inspiration in my perspective have been shut down and other such things cause everything including rush duel based cartoons have those moments to me that an amazing version of their own unique features and everything else and the way the designers at Konami and other places along with actors and other such things bring it to life I find it all amazing whether I’m hated by the people of this world or not I will not tolerate people who diss the unique qualities in everything on this world including each every Person on it
Rush duel is a bastardization of the original game and evidently breeds braindead people. Poor guy can’t even write a coherent sentence.
I’m happy to see SEVENS added to Duel Links but I wish they waited just one more year as their existence may slightly delay getting characters from older series such as all of the Dark Signers or Bracelet Girls.
As for the OCG/TCG vs. RUSH debate, I feel the latter is far superior. The game became far too complex for me in ARC-V and I despise how overpowered every card is as they all have to have two or three effects. I hate reading cards with walls of texts and having to be on top of the 10 GY effects my opponent has before making a move. Link Monsters tried to mitigate the Extra Deck but made it even harder for newbies to understand the game. There’s no way that any new player could become a fan of the OCG/TCG. RUSH Duels, however, are fairly straight forward and great for introducing new players to this world.
Yeah, and people just don’t simply get it, as I personally want slow-paced and simplified format that I can play and enjoy anytime.
I’m obsessed with Rush Duels. I think going back to structure deck format and potentially having only one legend per deck, 20 cards and 4000 life could give a negative impression of a game that’s developed a lot recently. The biggest strength is that it’s very intuitive. The draw 5 nature of it makes it high variance but small decisions can be very rewarded.
Not counting on it, but I hope this means Konami is planning on bringing the Rush Duel cards and format to the TCG.