Man, cards expanding on Garnecia would be cool.
RD/23PR-JP001 ガーネシア・エレファンティス Garnecia Elefantis
Level 7 EARTH Beast-Warrior Normal Monster
ATK 2400
DEF 2000
恐るべきパワーの持ち主。 あまりの体重の重さに、歩くたびに地割れが起きてしまう。
(A beast that possesses terrifying power. Its weight is so incredible that the ground cracks each time it walks.)
(TCG: A monster so heavy that each step rocks the earth.)
RD/23PR-JP003 ニコタマボット Nikotamabot
Level 2 EARTH Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 2000
DEF 2000
Materials: “Tamabot” + “Tamabot”
[EFFECT] Your opponent draws 1 card and reveals it. If that card is a monster, this card gains ATK equal to [That revealed monster’s ATK] until the end of the turn.