Talk about a triple header.
【Maximum】 真紅眼の極炎竜(レッドアイズ・マキシフレアドラゴン) Red-Eyes Maxi-Flare Dragon
In addition to boosting the Deck’s existing Fusion variant, Red-Eyes now gains a Maximum Monster!
【Maximum】 大恐竜駕(だいきょうりょうが)ダイナ-ミクス Daikyouryouga Dynamix (Great Imperial Dinocarriage Dyna-Mix) [Dub: Dynamic Dino Dynamix]
The Dinosaur Theme “Dynamix” gains interoperable [L] and [R] Maximum Monsters!
夢中(むちゅう)のシルビクス Muchuu no Sylvix (Delirium Sylvix)
The Insect Theme “Delirium” fully appears, gaining the ability to Fusion Summon using the opponent’s monster as material!
What could be bet- Sylvix my god.
It’s about time we got something like this. You’d think we would’ve had alternative Max L and R parts by now but nope. I hope it’s not a one time thing.
@Aussie Riolu
Alternate [L[ and [R] Maximum pieces feels like such an Anime thing to do. I agree that it really feels strange that we are only just now getting them.
I expected this during the first series of Rush, seeing as how the protagonist’s Maximum monster was a robot that combines. It makes perfect sense for a robot to have interchangeable parts, but I guess now they’re doing it.
If there is a third Rush’s Anime, I wouldn’t be surprised if a Duelist gets this trick for a Maximum Deck with pieces that can be switched.
But hey, Maximum as a mechanic still has a lot to offer (and the surprise is that there isn’t a Fusion Maximum Monster yet. The closest thing is a Fusion Monster that requires Maximum pieces as Material)
why did this have to be rush duel man fuucck
because rush duel rocks and is just a straight up better home for a lot of decks
Because the main format is an over-bloated mess of game that’s ridiculously unfriendly towards both new and returning players alike.
Rush Duel has changed a lot since 2020. It’s not the “tribute 2 vanillas to summon a mediocre level 7” that it was almost 5 years ago. We have Contact Fusion, legitimate combo decks, a fairly diverse format, decks with interesting gimmicks, actual player interaction, relevant traps that aren’t Imperm, fun import decks to draw in O/TCG fans, Over Rush Rare cards (basically ‘full-arts’), costs/effects listed separately, better card layouts, no Chains, very little effect negation, no quick effects, etc.
You may not like it, but it’s consistently in the top 10 card games in Japan, and for good reason. Rush is better than ever right now, and the only thing that sucks about it is that it’s not released outside of Asia.
@Rush Enjoyer
Honestly is a good choice to not release Rush in the west. Physical games/toys have been on a huge downward spiral in popularity with younger generation folk, limiting Rush to games like Duel Links is the best fit for it’s future… People like to blame the main Yugioh card game for scaring off kids from being complex, but that isn’t the only thing turning kids off. Digital card games are absurdly more convenient, costs far less long as you are willing to grind, and can be played everywhere at any moment without you needing to take a hour long car ride to some distant card game shop tournament filled with a bunch of stranger try-hard creeps. Like it or not, most card games nowadays work better as a digital game.
Personally I play Rush In DL, and while there is some improvements over the main card game such as the card design layout kinda… However overall I still vastly prefer the main Yugioh myself, because Rush is way to simple & dull if you are not a noob… It doesn’t even have whimsical alternate win conditions like Exodia! Not everybody is scared of complicity, that is actually why I love Yugioh as a matter of fact.
Ironically, we have a Red Eyes with 3 heads
Red-Eyes seems to be the darling of Rush Duels, as getting a Maximum would have been something Blue-Eyes would get. Look at the Maximum pieces being treated like OG Red-Eyes Black Dragon for compatibility with the Fusion strategy.
Delirium received the Excutie/Love treatment of becoming a Deck. Now that whole trick of turning your opponent’s Monsters into Insects (along with Change of Heart) makes more sense. I also don’t remember there being many Fusion Insect Decks in Yu-Gi-Oh (I could be wrong here)
And well… I hope I’m not the only one who didn’t see Hunt’s Maximum getting special treatment.
I want to plap the moth girl frfr
Sir, never cook again (kinda agree tho)
New biggest.
Red Eyes Tumor Dragon lol.
Red eyes in rush duels:

Red eyes everywhere else:
Saw this posted by the official JP Twitter, so I came here, but ofcourse it’s a Rush Drool art..
Calm your self
Nice for using “drool”.
Virgin Rush Duels vs Chad Yu-Gi-Oh!
Cope and seethe, babes. Cope and seethe.
Cool! More Maximums!
huh, Red-Eyes got a Maximum Monster. Black Dragon bracketed by two Wyverns? Then I took a closer look at the art…
WTF am I looking at?
They really wanted REBD monster that can be separated into three parts for Maximum monsters but did not wanted to make obvious three-headed dragon because that would be copying BEWD…. so they went with “Heads everywhere” approach. It has the “main” head that doubles as Lindwurm or some Eastern looking Dragon, the face on body that doubles as head for middle part and head on tail that also counts as wyvern when separated.
It’s a goofy mess, lmao.
Red eyes feito por IA todo Bugado ,feio pra caramba, o que a Konami tá arrumando!

Arte horrível que só uma inteligência artificial bugada faria!
First, you are on a english site
Second, stop letting ai live rent-free im your head huehue schizo
As 3 partes do monstro são referência a 3 artes diferentes do Red Eyes
É ironia esse comentário, né?
Red-Eyes has never looked more cursed.
I was wrong on the CyDra and Abysslayer prediction, but we still get an anime theme, a legacy theme, and a Rush exclusive theme all the same.
I hope the Red-Eyes pieces can be treated as the original in the hand and on the field for Fusion plays and improve the deck’s consistency because Maximums on their own are kinda awful.
Dynamix addresses an issue with Maximums allowing them to interchange parts, but this is definitely something that should have been done a long time ago. Also I am curious if they give these pieces effects and not continuous ones. Also hopefully they do something with Upstart Goblin.
Delirium will be an interesting Fusion theme as fusing with an opponent’s board is only limited to a select few Decks right now. I guess the materials will be a specific monster + Insect monster and will likely have mediocre stats or effects to justify their ease of summon.
That’s mockery for every Red-Eyes Player of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel format. The fan base there is crying out loud for (i think 9) years that they are in need of an actual support wave. And now Rush Duel get the third (or already fourth?) wave of Red-Eyes support in 5 years. Konami sure knows how to treat their player base. By the way: That’s no hate against Rush Duels, I think they were absolutely needed and would love to see them outside of Asia.
Dynamix kinda has dinomist vibes
I’m usually the Rush Duel guy but even I have to say that I thought and hoped this was a OCG post at first. There’s a lot they can do with Red-Eyes in the OCG but Red-Eyes in Rush already fit itself into a nice, consistent role before this. Throwing a Maximum with a REALLY ugly design at them (even if the art itself is decent) is not what they need.
The rest are interesting. Hunt is definitely part of the “Random annoying side character with a simple deck yet still gets a lot of support” but he was funny so I can’t complain. Delirium’s cards were always interesting and a deck focused entirely on stealing your opponent’s monsters for fusion material feels unique in the Rush environment as only Praime Dwarf ever did anything similar (and has a high tax for it’s Super-Poly like effect).
Yandere moth mommy that will lock you in warehouse
Nah, she’ll turn you against everyone for 2 huge reasons.
I really hope that more Dynamix monsters means that Tracker still has a chance to make it into Duel Links.
I play both formats and I have to say rush became super fun lately. Red-eyes is a very decent deck and will become even more! I wished it got HALF the love rush gives it in the ocg, so the deck became consistent and decent too
“Delirium” fully can’t wait to see this archetypes
What have they done to Red-Eyes? It’s só comically ugly that i can’t even get mas about it lol
I play both formats and I have to say rush became super fun lately. Red-eyes is a very decent deck and will become even more! I wished it got HALF the love rush gives it in the ocg, so the deck became consistent and decent too
What is in the picture? A two-headed red-eyes with a wyvern in the tail?
It’s a Red eyes with a face on it’s chest, arms on it’s neck and arms and another head on it’s tail
Aka it’s a mess
Pheremosa is that you? Way to copy other Japanese things Konami…
If anything it feels like they made Matara Kan into a Moth.
The bad part of a maximum card os that we lose 3 slots in the pack. Unless they are 3 GOOD red-eyes monsters. Rush did a good job with red-eyes so I’m sure i wont be disappointed
Maybe this is the failed fusion and we are going to get the successful fusion too. The maximum monsters can be treated as red-eyes in the hand or field so we can have a fusion with 3 red-eyes. Like the failed and successful fusions of goten and trunks in dragonball z
Watching people use this to cry about the lack of Red-Eyes support knowing the Fullmetal stuff exists is so incredibly funny