The true master of the OuTerverSe alliance descends!
テンペスト・ダウンバースト Tempest Downburst
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 If you control a face-up monster whose original Level is 10.
【EFFECT】 Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY, then, you can choose 1 face-up monster on your opponent’s field and have it lose [The total ATK of the monsters sent to the GY with this effect] until the end of the turn.
ギャラクティカ・ミラースレイヤー Galactica Mirror Slayer
Equip Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 Equip to 1 face-up monster on your field.
【EFFECT】 The equipped monster gains 400 ATK x [The number of face-up monsters on your opponent’s field with the same Level as the equipped monster]. The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle with monsters with the same Level as it and you take no damage from that battle.
ヴァキュア・カタストロフィー Vacua Catastrophe
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 When your opponent’s monster declares an attack, shuffle 3 Level 7 monsters from your GY into the Deck.
【EFFECT】 All Attack Position Galaxy monsters on your field cannot be destroyed by battle for the rest of this turn, then, all face-up monsters on your opponent’s field lose 5000 ATK until the end of the turn. All monsters on your field return to the owner’s Deck during the End Phase of the turn.
Note: This is likely a reference to False Vacuum (Decay).
OTSアングイッシュ・ソバード OuTerverSe Anguish Songbird
Level 1 WIND Winged Beast Effect Monster
DEF 800
This card’s name is treated as “OuTerverSe” while in the GY.
【REQUIREMENT】 Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY.
【EFFECT】 This card’s Type is treated as Galaxy until the end of the turn. If you send 2 “OuTerverSe” with different Types for this effect’s requirement, you can draw 1 card, then, you can send this card from your field to the GY to draw 1 card.
Note: This card is a return to referencing the Somewheres Like Here, referencing the reality where all communication is based on pain and agony and suffering.
マジェスティ・オブ・アウターバース Majesty of Outerverse
Level 11 FIRE Spellcaster Ritual Effect Monster
ATK 3000
DEF 1000
This card’s name is treated as “OuTerverSe” while in the GY.
【CONTINUOUS EFFECT】 This card’s Type is treated as Galaxy during your turn. This card gains 1000 ATK x [The number of face-up Galaxy Ritual Monsters on your field]. If you control 3 face-up Level 11 Ritual Monsters on your field, this card gains 4000 ATK.
OTSマジェスティック・リチュアル OuTerverSe Majestic Ritual
Ritual Spell Card
【EFFECT】 Ritual Summon “Majesty of Outerverse” by sending monsters on your field to the GY whose combined levels total 11 or more as material. If you sent only 1 monster to the GY with this effect, then while the monster Special Summoned with this effect is face-up on the field, it cannot be destroyed by your opponent’s effects, and its attacks pierce.
OTSレベルラダー OuTerverSe Level Ladder
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 If you have 10 or more cards in your Deck, place 1 “OuTerverSe” from your GY on the bottom of the Deck.
【EFFECT】 You draw 1 card, then, you can increase the Level of all face-up monsters on your field by 1 until the end of the turn.
OTSマナ・トリム OuTerverSe Mana Trim
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 If there are 3 or more “OuTerverSe” in your GY, send 1 monster from the hand to the GY.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 non-Normal Spell Card Spell Card from your GY and place it on the bottom of the Deck, then, you can choose 1 card in your GY with the same original card name as the card returned to the Deck with this effect and add it to the hand.
OTSスコーチング・ストリーム OuTerverSe Scorching Scream
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 Send 1 non-Galaxy monster from the hand to the GY.
【EFFECT】 Choose Spell/Trap Cards on your field up to [The number of face-up Level 10 or higher Galaxy monsters on your field] and destroy them.
OTSギャラクシーフォーム OuTerverSe Galaxy Form
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 When your opponent Special Summons a monster, shuffle 1 “OuTerverSe” from your GY into the Deck.
【EFFECT】 That monster’s Type is treated as the same Type as the Type of the “OuTerverse” shuffled into the Deck by this effect for the rest of this turn, then, all face-up Monsters on your field are treated as Galaxy monsters until the end of the turn, then, all cards on your field cannot be destroyed by your opponent’s effects for the rest of this turn.
OTSマキシマム・モードアウト OuTerveSe Maximum Mode Out
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 When a face-up Level 10 or higher monster(s) on your field is destroyed by battle and sent to the GY.
【EFFECT】 You can choose up to 3 Level 10 “OuTerverSe” in your GY and Special Summon them to your field face-up.
Nice cards
And damn Otes Manya have nice thighs
But Yudias’s butt is superior
The curious thing about the alternate versions of Otes is that, while there are known JP’s VAs that have already appeared in Rush’s Animes or other Yu-Gi-Oh Anime, there are a handful of JP’s VAs that are completely new and have not appeared in any Yu-Gi-Oh Anime (the list of VAs can be seen on the Otes page in Yugipedia)
The VAs are for the GO RUSH!! characters that became Otes in other worlds.
All of them do voice work for the show. None of them are new.
Interesting that Otes’ ritual spell is like Yudias’ in that the tributes have to be on the field unlike the recent one revealed in the physical game that lets you use the hand as well. I wonder if that’ll be an anime only thing or if the more powerful the ritual monster, the more restrictive the ritual spell becomes.
However, unlike Yudias’ Ritual Spell, Otes’ Ritual Spell has additional Effects under certain conditions.
Majesty of OuTerverSe alone has the potential to be at 4000 ATK on your turn and caps out at 10000 if you control 3 Level 11 Galaxy Rituals. As Yudias’s experiences in the parallel worlds are reflected in Oteiusu’s Deck, and Oteiusu’s Ritual is another Level 11 with 3000 ATK, the Ritual Spell only using field monsters like Diskarma Ritual is intentional.
Though it is premature to judge on anime cards before they are printed in real life.
rush original ritual used only monster on the field as materials to ritual summon ritual monster from the extra deck just like rush original fusion used only monster on the field as materials to fusion summon fusion monster from the extra deck
Black Magic Ritual is an og card from the old game of MoBC ritual monster
Black Magic Ritual already exist in the TCG/OCG and they probably just didn’t want to chance the effect for whatever reason. The rush original ritual spells will probably need monsters on your field as material
I’m surprised by the lack of mention of the Parallel World that Anguish Songbird is coming to: basically, the Parallel World where the only form of communication is through pain/suffering.
Also, a rare moment of a Character appearing in a card’s Artwork (in this case, Otes in OuTerverSe Mana Trim’s Artwork)
It’s also curious that the two recent Otes’s Boss Monsters are FIRE Machine and FIRE Spellcaster: a parallel to Yuga since he used a Boss Monster that was DARK Machine and DARK Spellcaster.
And well, we have the Otes Council in action before the Kang Council.
Oteiusu also does the inverse Yuga, where he wants multiple Attributes on the field only not the GY, and he only uses 5 Attributes in total (not 6). Rather than focus on Attribute like Yuga does, Oteiusu wants as many Types in the GY as possible for his Field Spell.
We was Otes!
*user has been banned from the Assassin’s Creed Forum*
Honestly, I forgot about that reality and it seemed like these more recent OuTerverSe stopped being direct references to Somewheres Like Here.
There exist timeline where this game is called OTS and it’s all just Otes, including the players.
No wars, no strife, no suffering, no silly slap fights im comment sections. Just Otes.
Are you all ready to open your hearts and invite our lord and savior Otes inside?
Can he stop jobbing to main characters? I guess Zwijo counts.
Oh boy, quite a fun final boss monster.
No problem, I’m only 149 episodes behind.