So the Clash part was correct. However, it appears that Japan forgot an S somewhere in the Katakana.
【商品情報】最新ブースター「クラッシュ・オブ・リベリオン」4/25(土)発売!「RR(レイド・ラプターズ)」「インフェルノイド」等の超強化に加え、ファン待望の「真紅眼(レッドアイズ)」新カードが続々登場!詳しくは続報を待て! #遊戯王
— 【公式】遊戯王OCG (@YuGiOh_OCG_INFO) February 23, 2015
Yes, it says “Clash of Rebellions”
For those wondering, it says the set includes cards that make Raidraptor and Infernoids ridiculously strong. And new cards for the fan favorite “Red-Eyes” theme. And to please wait for further information.