This sure makes it sound like coal is for Christmas.
The first core booster set of 2024 is “INFINITE FORBIDDEN” on sale April 27th, 2023. This pack contains new cards that power-up existing themes, but also includes brand new themes as well. And the first printing of this set includes the bonus “+1 Bonus Pack”.
Also, “Quarter Century Secret Rares” that commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Games are included.
Release Date: April 27th, 2023
Price: 176 Yen per Pack of 5 Cards
30 Packs per Box
Further details will be revealed in V Jump and Weekly Shonen Jump.
Let the wild speculations begin!
Name is a banger, that’s for sure.
Yup as I’ve stated in pack reveals like this in the past the cover card is always from a character from the the DM to Vrains whether they be a MC, Villian or Side character so If it didn’t come from any of those picks then were not getting anything outside of those on the cover. As for the name Infinite forbidden this one isn’t as on the nose as something like Cyberstorm Access or Darkwing Blast or Photon Hypernova where we already know what the cover card is based on the name. This ones gonna be tricky either way cant wait for whatever new character is gonna get support.
Infinite might be shadow of infinity? Not sure tbh. Forbidden I have no idea. could be from an early game, exodia, monster card attack name etc.
if it is shadow of infinity plus something else we might get new support for scared beasts and whatever else was in that set.
From the name, there are a few options:
– It is related to ZEXAL and the Number cards.
– It is related to DM and Exodia.
– It is related to Cyber Dragon because of Infinity.
probably not DM or GX, since we already got LEDE for DM stuff, and PHNI for GX stuff, so our options i belive are Zexal or Vrains
Imagine Exodia
Imagine Exodia getting legitimate support as opposed to all the spars useless gimmicky crap they have been getting.
Extra limb for Exodia. If you draw all parts, you win tourney.
Exodia? Oppression? Last will? More cards like forbidden lance or droplets? Please some decks that need support good support like from ygo R and mangas or old school d.d. Or more of the ?
– Based on previous Sets in Series 12, the cover theme is likely related to the final battles in either ZEXAL or VRAINS.
– “Forbidden” has never been in a pack name, and the only pack with “Infinite/Infinity” in it is Infinity Chasers (the Witchcrafter/Infinitrack/Evil Eye pack).
– We’re due for DM-era support for the anime legacy slots in this one (following trends in Series 12, DM getting the cover theme for LEDE means it also gets the legacy slots in the next set).
I guess I must’ve imagined Shadow of Infinity.
I’m betting on Numeron
The set is most probably ZEXAL.
“Infinite” is denoting something that cannot be calculated, as in a number.
“Forbidden” may allude to Chaos, specifically how the denizens of Astral World sealed away their people who used Chaos to Rank Up instead of the “natural” way.
It’s probably a Chaos Rank-Up archetype. My guess is either Don Thousand or Vector, as the former was sealed away and the latter would do the most taboo things to get what he wants and they both use Rank-Up.
Maybe we’ll finally get New Orders into the game.
I would love to have more than 1 maindeck numeron monster. Would’ve been nice if the Nanbazu each had a different trigger effect upon xyz summon to differentiate them but that ship has long sailed.
You forgot about Shadow of Infinity.
But I do agree, the cover theme will be from zexal.
I’ll throw an unexpected guess and say Meklords.
mine is Timelords
Yeah, my first instinct was that it might have something to do with Z-one’s crew. Meklord Emperors specifically had lamniscates (infinity symbol) in their names. The anime name of T.G. Halberd Cannon had what looked like model designation text denoting that it was a Machine-Type Delta Accel Synchro, but also had a lamniscate. It looked like this: MAXXX-∞. (The three X’s denoted that three Synchros are the minimum requirement to summon Halberd Cannon.)
We already got 5ds support in DUNE. It’s gonna be either Zexal or Vrains.
Maybe new Umbral Horror or Heraldic Beast support.
New Gokui support would also be nice.
My guess is DM, namely Exodia. Infinite Forbidden, Exodia the Forbidden One. Makes sense to me.
We just got DM card Gandora as the set mascot for LEDE. We’re not getting two DM mascot themes in a row.
The problem is Exodia is the only thing that matches “Forbidden”. This is also the first set of the second year cycle of the series, so it could hypothetically be the DM set if you look at the set that way it could potentially be DM again.
There is a problem in that even if it’s DM again, it would be falling on either Solomon (who is probably too much of a side character) Yugi Muto (who we just got) or Yami Yugi (too similar to small Yugi).
The other angle, which lines up the potential set code but accepts the name itself is gibberish, is that INFO is a reference to something from vrains. The problem is it’s so generic that it leans into more playmaker cards, but we need more code talker support like we need a hole in the head. If it’s vrains I WANT it to be Akira, and the set name could vaguely match the occult nature of the Tindangles, but it’s always been the forgotten step child of printed Vrains decks, and I don’t think it’s art, despite being great for being distinct from everything else in the game, is what konami would want to be on the pack cover.
Please more Ninja support
Whatever this set is gonna be, if we get insect support i will be happy.
Imma guess the main archetype is based around Ragnafinity (The Barian Lord Marin’s Chaos Number), since only Zexal and Vrains are missing from the new core series. Also, 2 of the archetypes to get support in the Set would be Exodia, and Cyber Dragon.
For this new extension i’m thinking about 4 ideas (2 for ZEXAL and 2 for VRAINS)
ZEXAL: Number IC0 Numeronian Astral utopia and ICXyZ Barian Deity
VRAINS: A fusion monster about every @Ignister monsters and an upgraded Link-6 monster who is a combination between Accesscode Talker and The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister
Toobad we’ll have to wait until february
Up to now the packs of this series have strengthened the decks of the protagonists but in an unexpected way, with Yubel for Jaden or golden sarcophagus for Yugi. My feeling is that it is based on zexal, therefore Yuma, but does not directly support utopia. Maybe F0, or something related to Astral. I don’t think, although I would like it, that he would support the Barians.
“Release Date: April 27th, 2023”
“Infinite time regression” haha
The recent two sets Phantom Nightmare and Legacy of Destruction have similar names with sets from years ago: Phantom Darkness and Light of Destruction, respectively. Both sets also introduced cards from a same series as their past counterparts: Yubel for PTDN/PHNI, and Lightsworn for LODT/LEDE.
If this trend is gonna be followed by Infinite Forbidden, maybe we could check the old set that include similar name – probably Shadow of Infinity, which introduced Sacred Beast, and Demise/Ruin series. I think both series fits the ‘forbidden’ concept here.
We already got GX support in PHNI. It’s either gonna be Zexal or Vrains.
I mean the Sacred Beast supports doesn’t have to be the featured theme. Even in PHNI which was focusing on Yubel/GX cards, there were also Raidraptor cards (ARC V) included. I’m saying similar thing.
Shadow of Infinity literally has a LIGHT monster called Disciple of the Forbidden Spell. Maybe they are looking to create a theme around a monster that destroys monsters it attacks without applying damage calculation provided the target matches a particular attribute.
The key word is forbidden, so I guess either Exodia (which is weird if they got support but also makes sense because of the previous products) or Meklord because they had an infinity logo in their card design.
Unless they plan on making a set for Atem based on the final dule to go with yugi’s set in the previous set i don’t see how this can work
Maybe Konami took my suggestion and are printing erratas to currently-FORBIDDEN Cards on the Combined OCG/TCG Worlds Banlist: which could also appear as Quarter-Century Rare.