Muitas referências ao Gaia, teorizo que em breve teremos Ritual nos rush duels 🧐
SirFfuzzy on
Should give it a fresh coat of paint and call it “Seige Tortise”. Feel like it’s more in line with the idea of laying waste to fortifications from afar. Without knowing the changes made to its effect, it’s hard to determine how it’s name should change.
Gatorman on
Just make a card called “Crashing the Castle” which lets you Raigeki your opponent’s board upon popping a card in their backrow by tributing a monster already.
Muitas referências ao Gaia, teorizo que em breve teremos Ritual nos rush duels 🧐
Should give it a fresh coat of paint and call it “Seige Tortise”. Feel like it’s more in line with the idea of laying waste to fortifications from afar. Without knowing the changes made to its effect, it’s hard to determine how it’s name should change.
Just make a card called “Crashing the Castle” which lets you Raigeki your opponent’s board upon popping a card in their backrow by tributing a monster already.