Jokes allude me at the moment.
EP16-JP001 Kozmo Farmgirl
EP16-JP002 Kozmo Goodwitch
EP16-JP003 Kozmo Sliprider
EP16-JP004 Kozmo Forerunner
EP16-JP005 Kozmo Strawman
EP16-JP006 Kozmoll Darkwitch
EP16-JP007 Kozmo DOG Fighter
EP16-JP008 Kozmo Dark Destroyer
EP16-JP009 Kozmo Tincan
EP16-JP010 Kozmo Soartroopers
EP16-JP011 Kozmo Delta Shuttle
EP16-JP012 Kozmo Dark Eclipster
EP16-JP013 Kozmo Scaredy Lion
EP16-JP014 Kozmoll Dark Lady
EP16-JP015 Kozmo Landwalker
EP16-JP016 Kozmo Dark Planet
EP16-JP017 Kozmotown
EP16-JP018 Kozmo Lightsword
EP16-JP019 Kozmojo
EP16-JP020 Kozmourning
EP16-JP021 Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju
EP16-JP022 Kumongous, the Sticky Thread Kaiju
EP16-JP023 Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
EP16-JP024 Gamaciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
EP16-JP025 Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju
EP16-JP026 Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju
EP16-JP027 Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju
EP16-JP028 Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Dogoran
EP16-JP029 Kyoutou Waterfront
EP16-JP030 Interrupted Kaiju Slumber
EP16-JP031 The Kaiju Files
EP16-JP032 Kaiju Capture Mission
EP16-JP033 Paleozoic Olenoides
EP16-JP034 Paleozoic Hallucigenia
EP16-JP035 Paleozoic Canadia
EP16-JP036 Paleozoic Pikaia
EP16-JP037 Paleozoic Eldonia
EP16-JP038 Paleozoic Dinomuschus
EP16-JP039 Paleozoic Marrella
EP16-JP040 Paleozoic Leanchoilia
EP16-JP041 Paleozic Anomalocaris
EP16-JP042 Paleozoic Opabinia
EP16-JP043 Sky Dragoons of Draconia
EP16-JP044 Samurai Cavalry of Reptier
EP16-JP045 Steel Cavalry of Dinon
EP16-JP046 Magical Cavalry of Cxulub
EP16-JP047 Cattle Call
EP16-JP048 Extinction on Schedule
EP16-JP049 Painful Escape
EP16-JP050 Ultimate Providence
EP16-JP051 Sakyo, Swordmaster of the Far East
EP16-JP052 Kuzunoha, the Onmyojin
Extra Secret Rare (2)
EP16-JP051 Sakyo, Swordmaster of the Far East
EP16-JP052 Kuzunoha, the Onmyojin
Secret Rare (4)
EP16-JP001 Kozmo Farmgirl
EP16-JP012 Kozmo Dark Eclipster
EP16-JP021 Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju
EP16-JP041 Paleozic Anomalocaris
Ultra Rare (4)
EP16-JP001 Kozmo Farmgirl
EP16-JP012 Kozmo Dark Eclipster
EP16-JP021 Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju
EP16-JP041 Paleozic Anomalocaris
Super Rare (6)
EP16-JP003 Kozmo Sliprider
EP16-JP008 Kozmo Dark Destroyer
EP16-JP009 Kozmo Tincan
EP16-JP017 Kozmotown
EP16-JP027 Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju
EP16-JP028 Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Dogoran
Rare (8)
EP16-JP014 Kozmoll Dark Lady
EP16-JP016 Kozmo Dark Planet
EP16-JP024 Gamaciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
EP16-JP030 Interrupted Kaiju Slumber
EP16-JP038 Paleozoic Dinomuschus
EP16-JP042 Paleozoic Opabinia
EP16-JP043 Sky Dragoons of Draconia
EP16-JP047 Cattle Call
Common (32)
EP16-JP002 Kozmo Goodwitch
EP16-JP004 Kozmo Forerunner
EP16-JP005 Kozmo Strawman
EP16-JP006 Kozmoll Darkwitch
EP16-JP007 Kozmo DOG Fighter
EP16-JP010 Kozmo Soartroopers
EP16-JP011 Kozmo Delta Shuttle
EP16-JP013 Kozmo Scaredy Lion
EP16-JP015 Kozmo Landwalker
EP16-JP018 Kozmo Lightsword
EP16-JP019 Kozmojo
EP16-JP020 Kozmourning
EP16-JP022 Kumongous, the Sticky Thread Kaiju
EP16-JP023 Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
EP16-JP025 Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju
EP16-JP026 Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju
EP16-JP029 Kyoutou Waterfront
EP16-EP031 The Kaiju Files
EP16-JP032 Kaiju Capture Mission
EP16-JP033 Paleozoic Olenoides
EP16-JP034 Paleozoic Hallucigenia
EP16-JP035 Paleozoic Canadia
EP16-JP036 Paleozoic Pikaia
EP16-JP037 Paleozoic Eldonia
EP16-JP039 Paleozoic Marrella
EP16-JP040 Paleozoic Leanchoilia
EP16-JP044 Samurai Cavalry of Reptier
EP16-JP045 Steel Cavalry of Dinon
EP16-JP046 Magical Cavalry of Cxulub
EP16-JP048 Extinction on Schedule
EP16-JP049 Painful Escape
EP16-JP050 Ultimate Providence