A Grass Looks Greener Monarch Deck.
3 Ehther the Heavenly Monarch
3 Erebus the Underworld Monarch
1 Caius the Mega Monarch
3 Kuraz the Light Monarch
2 Majesty’s Fiend
3 Edea the Heavenly Squire
3 Eidos the Underworld Squire
3 Maxx “C”
3 PSY-Framegear Gamma
1 PSY-Fame Driver
1 Fairy Tail – Snow
3 Pantheism of the Monarchs
3 Domain of the True Monarchs
3 Tenacity of the Monarchs
3 Return of the Monarchs
3 The Monarchs Stormforth
3 That Grass Looks Greener
3 Chicken Game
3 Upstart Goblin
1 One for One
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Foolish Burial
1 Harpie’s Feather Duster
1 Terraforming
3 The Prime Monarch
1 The Monarchs Erupt
1 Escalation of the Monarchs