A new Pick-A-Gift Campaign is active, there is a new way to obtain Prismatic versions of certain cards and a Decklist feature is being added.
The Pick-A-Gift is active until September 24th. Players may pick one of three rewards each day.
Day 1: 50 Gems, 20,000 Gold or 2000 Gate Keys
Day 2: 200 R Jewels, 1 copy of “Mirror of Oathes” or 1 R Ticket
Day 3: 20 Gems, 10,000 Gold or 2 SR Jewels
Day 4: 50 Gems, 1 copy of “The Tripper Mercury” or 2 SR Jewels
Day 5: 30 Gems, 10,000 Gold or 30 Duel Orbs
Day 6: 200 R Jewels, 1 copy of “Anti-Fusion Device”, or 1 R Ticket
Day 7: 500 R Jewels, 2 SR Jewels or 1 UR Jewel
Day 8: 50 Gems, 1 copy of “The Monarches Awaken” or 2 SR Jewels
Day 9: 300 Stones of Water, 300 Stones of Fire or 300 Stones of WIND
Day 10: 1 SR Ticket, 1 SR Ticket or 1 SR Ticket
Until October 5th, players can upgrade certain cards to Prismatic by spending both Gold and Gems at the Card Trader. Most of the cards are character ace cards or important meta cards.