The fourth series of these packs, focused on the upcoming Xyz Support, is revealed!
As per usual, buy 1000 Yen worth of product.
18SP-JP401 Exceeds Skull Archfiend
18SP-JP402 Elemental HERO Stratos
18SP-JP403 Eater of Millions
18SP-JP404 Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm
18SP-JP405 Archfiend Eccentrick
18SP-JP406 Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
18SP-JP407 Toadally Awesome
18SP-JP408 Rekindling
18SP-JP409 Fossil Dig
18SP-JP410 Xyz Universe
For those unaware, these cards, along with the next Tournament Pack for Japan, are tied into cards for upcoming product. So it’s worth speculating what these cards are tied into.