Ritual Zombies can never die.
Strategic Summary:
Today’s Creative Deck Profile features the revival of the Vendread archetype, a DARK/Zombie Ritual theme that originally debuted as a TCG World Premiere archetype, mainly because of the two new Zombie TCG World Premiere support cards in SUDA: Dark Necromancer and Curse of the Ancient Turtle. Let’s start with Necromancer, a new Level 4 Zombie that when summoned, sends a Zombie Ritual from the Deck to the GY then tutors a Ritual Spell. It also has a second effect when banished, Special Summoning any Level 4 or lower banished Zombie (including itself!!!). Both of these effects work extremely well for the Vendread theme, as it serves as a consistency-booster, an extender for combos, and a starter to replace Diviner of the Hearld, all in one card! The other new TCG WP SUDA card is Curse of the Ancient Turtle, a Normal Spell that banishes a Zombie from your hand or GY to send a new one from your Deck to the GY. This doesn’t quite help Vendread as much, but it still offers additional manipulation and synergy with the Vendread archetype.
Now these aren’t the only new SUDA cards that benefit the Vendread theme, as we also received Delta of Invitation, a Field Spell that sends a Level 5 or higher Zombie from the deck to the GY on activation. This lets you prepare for any Vendread Ritual Summon, since their Ritual Spells Ritual Summon a Vendread from the GY, OR it can be used to tutor any Vendread S/T due to the GY effect of Scar of the Vendread. When combined with Eldlich the Golden Lord, you can even recover this Field Spell turn after turn, gaining more and more card advantage until the game ends. Speaking of Eldlich, you can even power up this combo with the new Angelcaido of the Golden Land (YGOrg Translation), giving your endboard a massive indestructible boost in the 3800 ATK Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord, just as a benefit from playing the Eldlich engine. Apart from these new cards, the Vendread archetype continues to do what it’s always done best – granting additional effects to their Ritual Monsters, spamming the board with all kinds of material, and watching the opponent’s face when they realize they have ever so many different effects to read and keep track of. Unleash the Vendread Revolution!
Provided Decklist:
Monsters: 18
| Eldlich the Golden Lord
||| Scar of the Vendread
| Vendread Revenants
||| Dark Necromancer
| Vendread Houndhorde
| Vendread Striges
| Vendread Core
| Vendread Anima
| Revendread Executor
| Vendread Scavenger
| Vendread Battlelord
||| Revendread SlayerSpells: 21
||| Allure of Darkness
||| Pre-Preparation of Rites
| Terraforming
| Gold Sarcophagus
| Curse of the Ancient Turtle
| Revendread Evolution
| Ravenous Vendread
||| Revendread Origin
| Set Rotation
||| Delta of Invitation
||| Vendread NightsTraps: 4
| Vendread Revolution
||| Infinite ImpermanenceExtra Deck:
| Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord
| Angelcaido of the Golden Land
| Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
| Topologic Zeroboros
| Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi
| Borrelcode Dragon
| Vampire Fascinator
| Dyna Mondo
| Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
| S:P Little Knight
| Vampire Sucker
|| Avendread Savior
| Cross-Sheep
| Flying Mary, the Wandering Ghost Ship
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Crystal Beast, Ursarctic, Fire Fist, Misturugi, Eldlich, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Heraldic Beast, Motor
Coming Soon:
Dark necromancer can revive ITSELF!?.
Even though the vendread deck isn’t that strong, the zombie typing along with the Multitude of gained effects always makes it annoying to play against.
I’m surprised to see no Eldlich traps tho.
I also thought Vendread was weak. Then last year with my friend decided to build up some 4fun/weak decks, he wanted zombie pure, I with Vendread…damn, has been a pleasant surprise seeing how strong was; I used Vendread also vs his stronger decks, and win a lot (except vs Kozmo, basically always GG).
for some reason, I feel drawn to the famous lovecraft quote of “That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die” when I first took a look at this deck…
I’m not sure why…
As one of the few Vendread players out there, some of these ratios are atrocious. Why are we only playing 1 of each Ritual Spell besides Origin and why are we playing 3 Vendread Nights? Most people don’t even play 1