LIGHT Fusions and locked Monster Zones!
Strategic Summary:
Today’s CDP features a return to the Ojama/ABC Union strategy, except this time, I’ve incorporated the new Double Fusion (YGOrg Translation) Spell card and a much bigger portion of the Rescue Beasts. If you missed my last take on this strategy nearly 4 years ago, be sure to check that out here: . Alright, let’s start with the basics: the Ojama monsters consist of Level 2 LIGHT Beasts that are best known for Ojamagic, a Normal Spell that tutors all 3 of the Normal Monster Ojamas when sent from the hand/field to the GY. From there, you’ll need something to do with all the Ojama you just added to hand, so that’s where Double Fusion comes in, turning them into Ojama Knight, Ojama King, or even Garura, Wings of Resonant Life. It honestly doesn’t matter, but Double Fusion just lets you make two of them at once, so if you have enough Ojamas, you might actually be able to fully lockout all of your opponent’s Monster Zones from the jump! Once you’ve utilized your Ojamas, you can follow it up by leveraging Ojamassimilation to reveal a LIGHT Machine Fusion, banish Ojamas from almost anywhere, then special Fusion Materials listed on that LIGHT Fusion equal to the number of Ojamas banished. As intended, this pairs well with both ABC-Dragon Buster and XYZ-Hyper Dragon Cannon (YGOrg Translation), giving you plenty of material to play with for Link Summons, before banishing them from the GY for their faux-Fusion Summons.
This is a solid basis for the deck, but I found that it just needed a bit more power to kickoff plays, and that’s where the Rescue engine comes in. First up, you have Rescue Cat, which summons any 2 Ojamas from your deck by sending itself to the GY. Second, you have Rescue Hamster, which summons a Normal and Effect Ojama from your deck by banishing itself. Finally, there’s Rescue Ferret, which can shuffle itself back into the deck to Special Summon monsters from your deck whose Levels equal 6, as long as you summon to zones a Link Monster points to. The ideal goal is to use Cat or Hamster to summon your Ojamas initially, eventually go into Ojamassimilation to summon out 3 more monsters, then Link Summon into Saryuja Skull Dread, reset your hand if needed, and summon out Ferret to bring even more monsters from your Deck onto the board! To help make this possible, don’t forget Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue, since it is a Normal Spell that lets you reveal 3 Beasts with 300 ATK/100 DEF, granting access to any of these Rescue rodents! You even don’t have to worry about the requirement of having less LP than your opponent, since you’ll already have less after activating Double Fusion! There’s just one problem to solve – what happens after you’ve depleted your Normal Monster Ojamas from your deck? That’s where Great Knight of the Red Lotus (YGOrg Translation) comes in, shuffling them back into the Deck, summoning itself, and setting yourself up for another successful Ojamagic resolution later on. Hope you enjoy the speedo-palooza, and catch you next profile with another Amazing collab build!
Provided Decklist:
Monsters: 27
|| Ojama Green
|| Ojama Yellow
|| Ojama Black
|| Great Knight of the Red Lotus
| Dark Armed Dragon
| A-Assault Core
| X-Cross Cannon
| B-Buster Drake
| Y-Dragon Yearhead
| Z-Zillion Tank
| C-Crush Wyvern
|| Rescue Cat
|| Rescue Ferret
|| Rescue Hedgehog
| Armed Dragon Thunder LV3
| Ojama Red
| Ojama Pink
||| Ojama BlueSpells: 16
| Instant Fusion
|| Ojamassimilation
||| Double Fusion
||| Ojamagic
||| Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue
||| Ojamatch
| Ojama CountryTraps: 3
| Tri-Brigade Revolt
|| Ojama PajamaExtra Deck:
| XYZ-Hyper Dragon Cannon
| ABC-Dragon Buster
| Garura, Wings of Resonant Life
| Ojama King
|| Ojama Knight
| Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen
| Saryuja Skull Dread
| Draco Masters of the Tenyi
| Ojama Emperor
| Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous
| Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom
| S:P Little Knight
| Cross-Sheep
| Link Spider
Shoutout to my friends who manage the Chaos Replayer channel – they provided valuable input into this build, and I’m looking forward to sharing more of these collab builds throughout 2025. Their channel shares a ton of cool content and creative deckbuilding, so I highly encourage you to check them out as well and subscribe here:
If anyone else is interested in collaborating on a specific concept, please feel free to contact me!
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Dragonmaid, P.U.N.K., Crystal Beast, Amazement, Ursarctic, Amorphage, @Ignister, Dragon Ruler, Ice Doll, Fire Fist, Misturugi, Eldlich, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Heraldic Beast, Motor, Vendread
Coming Soon:
Altho I despise Ojama with a passion, not bad Quincy. Maybe, just maybe, I ain’t gonna h8 on them as much.
Haha. Tbh, that’s how I feel about ABC Union… the deck/strategy just doesn’t jive with me. Alas, it still is the only way to play the union mechanic for now, and I’ve never been one to back down from building decks, especially the ones I don’t care for.
If only this post was delayed by a few hours, then I could’ve seen the peak DMG post on top of the home page. Sad!