Tenpai can go first now!?!?
Strategic Summary:
Today’s CDP features the return of both the Dragonmaid and Tenpai archetypes to my channel, and today we certainly have a fun Dragon hybrid. The goal of this deck is to leverage the Dragonmaid monsters when going first, creating a board of Fusions that’s difficult to overcome easily, then back that board with a sweeping OTK from the Tenpai side on the second turn. To meet this goal, let’s talk about the two new QCTB Dragonmaid monsters, and how they make this vision possible. First up is the new Main Deck Level 9 Dragonmaid Stern (YGOrg Translation), the Dragon form of Chamber Dragonmaid. It can be discarded to Special Summon a Dragonmaid from your GY or banishment, and then it carries the other typical ‘big Dragonmaid’ effects. This may not seem like much at first, but this gives Chamber a DARK pairing to make the most of Dragonmaid Hospitality. As for the new Fusion, Lady’s Dragonmaid (YGOrg Translation) enters the fray as the theme’s Level 8 Fusion monster, with a unique summoning condition of needing to banish 2 Dragonmaid monsters with the same Attribute but different levels, 1 from your field and 1 from your GY. Making this is easy – a Normal Summoned Chamber into Hospitality into Striker Dragon into Hospitality or a Normal Summoned Kitchen Dragonmaid adding and sending Dragonmaid Tinkhec does the trick. Once summoned, Lady’s grabs the Dragonmaid waifu you didn’t use from the deck, and then you are fully setup to go into the next turn with a board of Lady’s, Dragonmaid Sheou, and 2 waifu Dragonmaid monsters. If you started with Kitchen, you can add Dragonmaid Tidying to that board as well!
As for the rest of the strategy, well Tenpai does Tenpai things, that’s for sure. So many of their cards are now limited, but it is really no matter as you can still spam the board and OTK through pretty much anything. It doesn’t hurt that I also found room to include Raigeki, Lightning Storm, Harpie’s Feather Duster, and more, ensuring your boardbreaking is that much more consistent. Don’t forget that there’s also some fun interactions between the Tenpai and Dragonmaid stuff, as Sangen Kaimen can be used to grab a copy of Kitchen, or Sangen Summoning can be used to grab a copy of Tenpai Dragon Genroku which grabs Tenpai Dragon Chundra or Tenpai Dragon Paidra, which also gets you to Kitchen. Hope you enjoy this fun take on Tenpai post-December list, and catch you next week with my fourth and last Dragon-type CDP of this month!
Provided Decklist:
Monsters: 18
| Dragonmaid Stern
| Dragonmaid Tinkhec
| Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
| Tenpai Dragon Chundra
||| Chamber Dragonmaid
||| Tenpai Dragon Paidra
||| Tenpai Dragon Fadra
||| Kitchen Dragonmaid
| Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
| Tenpai Dragon GenrokuSpells: 15
||| Raigeki
|| Lightning Storm
| Harpie’s Feather Duster
| Terraforming
| Gold Sarcophagus
| Dragonmaid Hospitality
| Pot of Prosperity
| Called by the Grave
| Sangen Kaimen
| Set Rotation
| Sangen Summoning
| Boot Sector LaunchTraps: 7
||| Infinite Impermanence
||| Dominus Impulse
| Dragonmaid TidyingExtra Deck:
| Dragonmaid Sheou
| House Dragonmaid
| Lady’s Dragonmaid
| Ruddy Rose Dragon
| Sangenpai Transcendent Dragion
| Trident Dragion
|| Sangenpai Bident Dragion
| Black Rose Dragon
| Salamangreat Raging Phoenix
| Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
| Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
| Duelittle Chimera
| Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres
| Striker Dragon
Note: This is continuing the style of Creative Deck Profile articles, designed to showcase a build through replays and an attached summary. If you wish to see a CDP for an archetype, theme, or strategy you love, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page or through the site with your ideas for me to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out. Current pending requested profiles include: Valkyrie, Crystal Beast, Ursarctic, Amorphage, Ice Doll, Fire Fist, Misturugi, Eldlich, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Heraldic Beast, Motor, Vendread
Coming Soon:
Pretty fun deck tbh,
Dragonmaid helps tenpai find a play going first, and Tenpai returns the favour with an OTK.
Not to mention the synergy between kitchen and the tenpai sangen cards.
Snake eyes flamberge dragon is also a fire dragon, so Maybe there’s a way for 2 crippled decks to join forces And destroy the meta once more.
I do have an IRL deck that combines those two and a few other archetypes… and it is a BLAST to play. One day, I’ll show it off in an IRL profile.
That’ll be pretty sick
Why Boot Sector Lauch?
Free card to search off of Striker to then discard later for summoning. Secondly, it’s another Field Spell name to be able to run Set Rotation
Ooooh pretty smart