That’s no Salamandeus…
Not confirmed for release but whether or not you believe that is your problem!
SPグラファガス・プラズマセイバー Super Graphagas Plasma Saber
Level 9 FIRE Thunder Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 3000
DEF 2500
Materials: “Chromatographagas” + “Super Assistant Biri”
【CONTINUOUS EFFECT】 This card gains 200 ATK x [The total Levels of each face-up Level 7 or higher monster son the opponent’s field]. If there are a total of 3 Pyro, Aqua or Thunder Maximum Monsters in your GY, neither player can Special Summon a non-FIRE monster from the hand face-up.
ケミカライズ・ヴォルシールド Chemicalize Volshield
Equip Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 Equip to 1 face-up Pyro, Aqua or Thunder monster on your field.
【EFFECT】 The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by your opponent’s effects. The equipped monster gains 300 ATK for each FIRE Maximum Monster in your GY.
アビスレイヤー・マキシヴァルナ Abysslayer Maxivaruna
Level 7 DARK Sea Serpent Effect Monster
ATK 2300
【REQUIREMENT】 If your opponent controls a monster(s).
【EFFECT】 Choose up to 2 Level 10 Maximum Monsters in the GYs and return them to the owner’s hand. If you choose a Sea Serpent monster(s) with this effect, then, this card gains 1000 ATK x [The number of monsters chosen by this effect] until the end of the turn.
Note: Varuna is a Hindu God associated with the sky, oceans and waters.
アビス・リバイバブル Abyss Revival
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 If a Level 7 or higher face-up monster is on your opponent’s field.
【EFFECT】 Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY, also, if you sent 2 Sea Serpent monsters to the GY with this effect, then, you can choose 1 Sea Serpent in your GY and Special Summon it to your field in face-up Defense Position.
アビス・パンドラボックス Abyss Pandora Box
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 When a face-up Sea Serpent monster on your field is targeted for an attack, place 1 Sea Serpent monster from your GY on the bottom of your Deck.
【EFFECT】 Draw until there are 5 cards in your hand, then, monster being attacked gains 100 ATK x [The number of cards drawn by this effect] until the end of the turn.
It’s a dang Floodgate. WHY?!
Because maximum+fusion not is a good combination
So make “hey, play anime theme, if you does this, you will lost your friends:D”
People forget that Gakuto had a Floodgate since Day 1 of Rush Duels (and had an annoyingly powerful Fusion Monster)
Now, out of all Chromatographagas’s Fusion Monsters, Plasma Saber and Vapor Lancer are competing to be the best of the bunch. I feel Plasma Saber is stronger because it’s more consistent in getting its Effect.
Maximavura is so broken
I love it
Maximum supremacy
Abysslayer Maxivaruna is a bit of a Troll card in the sense that, if you’re up against a Maximum Deck, you can return some pieces that the Opponent doesn’t want and create a Brick in the Opponent’s Hand next Turn.
Abyss Vortex printed when, Konami?
And well, I gotta love Konami’s desire to give Manabu/Zwijo’s Decks more Equip Spells, but no Monster for the Deck that can reuse/recycle Equip Spells in a generic way.
Note: It seems that Plasma Saber’s Effect is poorly worded here. The actual Effect is as follows:
[CONTINUOUS EFFECT] This card gains ATK equal to [the total Levels of the face-up Level 7 or higher monsters on your opponent’s field] x 200. If you have 3 or more Pyro/Aqua/Thunder Type Maximum Monsters in your Graveyard, neither player can Special Summon non-FIRE Attribute monsters from the hand face-up.
I get it’s difficult to set up for the payoff, but I don’t get why they want to add floodgates to Rush Duels. They already had to hit the Barrier Statue.
Technically, we already had Floodgates in Rush Duels, but their number has decreased over time. The last Floodgate-focused Meta was “Skysavior + Gakuto’s Deck”, which was hit just two months after being Meta (before that, it wasn’t Meta)
Not to mention that we already had a Floodgate a few months ago: Hybridrive Screwdriver. It ended up being somewhat mediocre: Powerful effect, but the Requirement is too much (which makes the card fair)
Plasma Saber has the problem that, to play it at a good performance, you must play a combination that has evidence that it doesn’t work in Rush Duels: Maximum + Fusion.
Maxivaruna will never be printed. Just the fact it unconditionally recovers up to 2 Maximum pieces of any Maximum monster just for the opponent having a board makes it too good, but it can also reach an impressive 3300-4300 ATK on top in the Deck that runs it clearing out a board while setting up for the next turn. Plus this effect isn’t limited to the turn it is summoned, making it really impressive in every Maximum theme,
Plasma Saber also gains ATK equal to the Level of all face up Level 7+ monsters on the opponent’s field x 200, on top of its floodgate effect which is surprisingly more balanced than the ATK gain effect which is always live.
I can see why Twin Ocean Tides was the only card in this Duel to get printed. The other cards are either situationally useless or ridiculously overpowered.
In fact, it seems YGOrganization misspelled the Effect that Plasma Saber has. The corrected Effect (listed on Yugipedia) is as follows:
[CONTINUOUS EFFECT] This card gains ATK equal to [the total Levels of the face-up Level 7 or higher monsters on your opponent’s field] x 200. If you have 3 or more Pyro/Aqua/Thunder Type Maximum Monsters in your Graveyard, neither player can Special Summon non-FIRE Attribute monsters from the hand face-up.
In fact, the actual real Effect only makes Plasma Saber more powerful than it already seemed.