Author: NeoArkadia

NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle. You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

Structure Deck “Pendulum Evolution” Special Feature The Product pictured, “Structure Deck Pendulum Evolution” (on sale December 23rd, 2016, a Holiday), is a Deck which uses dynamic Pendulum Summons to allow you to pull off various moves, all centered around the “Magician” Pendulum Monsters used by the protagonist “Yuya”! Besides including new “Magician Pendulum Monsters and New Cards, a powerful ace monster also appears, that greatly enhances “Magician” Decks! Here, we’ll introduce how to use this Deck along with the newest cards, so be sure to check out how Pendulum Summon evolved!

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Episode 136: 覇王龍君臨 – Haōryū Kunrin (Reign of the Supreme Dragon King) Right before Reiji and others, who believe that Yuya’s Dueling will bring peace to the world… Zarc is finally awakened. Zarc proclaims that the feelings of those who believe in Yuya have helped him revive…

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Episode 134: 闇の誘惑 – Yami no Yūwaku (Allure of Darkness) Yuya’s anger toward Yuri, who had defeated Yusho, reaches a breaking point. A Duel between Yuya and Yuri then begins. With the “Smile World” card his father left behind for him in hand, Yuya fearlessly resolves to fight Yuri!

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