Dream Absorber
[Fairy / Effect]
Level 2
ATK / 0
DEF / 0
You can only use the 1st effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) If your opponent activates a monster effect in the hand, GY, or banishment: You can Special Summon this card from your GY (if it was there when the effect was activated) or hand (even if not), but destroy it during the End Phase.
(2) Each time your opponent activates a monster effect, this card gains 1000 ATK immediately after it resolves.
Ocean of Regeneration
[Continuous Spell]
You can only use the (1)st effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) You can target 1 WATER monster in your GY with 1000 or less ATK; Special Summon it, but destroy it during the End Phase.
Ocean of Regeneration artwork is so majestic. I love it. Even if it was used by a creepy pedo penguin.
Vegan shouldnt berate people who can eat meat
@anon i agree with you i have not eaten meat in 30ish years and dont give 2 craps what others eat, you do you i do me, all i ask is dont cross contaminate me or my food, and dont judge me and i wont judge you.
but with that said eating meat i am fine, but if you hunt and have animal parts on walls or things like that i dont wanna know or see it or hear about it.