Remember to not cheat.
Not confirmed for release, but whether you believe that or not is your problem!
ジョインテック・ワークショップ Jointech Workshop
Normal Spell Card
【REQUIREMENT】 Send 1 Level 7 EARTH Machine Monster from the hand to the GY
【EFFECT】 Choose up to 2 Level 7 or lower EARTH Machine monsters in the hand and Special Summon them to your field in face-up Attack Position.
コインテック・リバース Cointech Rebirth
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 When your monster is destroyed by an opponent’s attack, return 1 EARTH Machine monster from your GY to the Deck.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 EARTH Machine monster in your GY and toss a coin. If heads, Special Summon the chosen monster in face-up Attack Position. If tails, Special Summon it in face-up Defense Position.
サイコロの天使 Saikoro no Tenshi (Dice Angel/Dice Grace)
Level 1 LIGHT Fairy Effect Monster
DEF 600
【REQUIREMENT】 Send 1 monster from the hand to the GY.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 “Graceful Dice” in your GY and add it to the hand.
サイコロの大天使 Saikoro no Daitenshi (Dice Archangel/Dice Archlord)
Level 7 LIGHT Fairy Effect Monster
ATK 2400
DEF 1500
【EFFECT】 Roll a six-sided die. All face-up monsters you control gain 100 ATK/DEF times [The result] until the end of the turn. If “Graceful Dice” is in your GY, also, all face-up monsters you control gain 100 ATK/DEF times [The result] until the end of the turn.
Note: Daitenshi is consistently localized as Archlord in case we get a LIGHT Fairy group countering the Darklords (Datenshi)
サイコロの悪魔 Saikoro no Akuma (Dice Demon/Dice Skull)
Level 1 DARK Fiend Effect Monster
ATK 600
【REQUIREMENT】 Send 1 monster from the hand to the GY
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 “Skull Dice” in your GY and add it to the hand.
サイコロの大悪魔 Saikoro no Daiakuma (Dice Demon Lord/Dice Archskull)
Level 7 DARK Fiend Effect Monster
ATK 2400
DEF 1500
【EFFECT】Roll a six-sided die. All face-up monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK/DEF times [The result] until the end of the turn. If “Skull Dice” is in your GY, also, all face-up monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK/DEF times [The result] until the end of the turn.
天使のサイコロ Tenshi no Saikoro (Angel Dice/TCG: Graceful Dice)
Normal Spell Card
【EFFECT】 Roll a six-sided die. All face-up monsters you control gain 100 ATK/DEF times [The result] until the end of the turn.
Notes: Whoops, forgot the TCG name.
悪魔のサイコロ Akuma no Saikoro (Demon Dice/TCG: Skull Dice)
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 When an opponent’s monster declares an attack.
【EFFECT】 Roll a six-sided die. All face-up monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK/DEF times [The result] until the end of the turn.
阿修羅のサイコロ Asura no Saikoro (Asura Dice)
Normal Trap Card
【REQUIREMENT】 When your opponent Normal/Special Summons a monster face-up.
【EFFECT】 Roll a six-sided die. Inflict 100 damage to your opponent times [The result], also, all face-up monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK/DEF times [The result] until the end of the turn, then, all face-up monsters you control gain 100 ATK/DEF times [The result] until the end of the turn.
Why dont translate Angel Dice to Graceful?
I forgot tbh.
Because screw you in particular! Just kidding I don’t know
A couple of things that I feel are worth noting about this duel.
1) This match actually mirrors Swirly’s Rush Duel against Otes in SEVENS: A new, young character who hides their identity to some degree has their first duel against the first opponent the main character had on screen.
2) However, as this is a MIRROR, it is the opposite and the concealed character loses this game.
3) I’m still mad that Yudias didn’t fight a 3000 ATK monster in his first match (way to break with tradition, guys), but I feel they made up for that here by having Epoch fight against Mega Jointech Fortrex.
4) It’s actually appropriate that Epoch lost this game for one more reason: Graceful Dice and Skull Dice are Joey’s cards, and Joey never cheated to win. He had his share of losses, sure, but he never once cheated.