Just who are these musical themed brothers.
遊☆戯☆王 #ゴーラッシュ !!#竜宮兄弟 キャスト解禁🛸
⋱🌟兄 #竜宮フェイザー 役
#田邊幸輔 さん
🌟弟 #竜宮トレモロ 役
#林勇 さん
2年目もゴーラッシュにご期待ください🔥#yugioh #遊戯王 pic.twitter.com/b7RxRKaXC5— アニメ「遊☆戯☆王」公式 (@yugioh_anime) February 20, 2023
The voice actors for the Ryugu brothers are introduced.
Both actors thank the viewers for the chance to act in the show and promise to give the fans their all with the roles.
Ryugu Phaser, the older brother, is voiced by 田邊 幸輔 (Tanabe Kosuke), while the younger brother, Tromelo is voiced by 林 勇 (Hayashi Yu). Tromelo is explained to be very loyal to his older brother.
Just what their role in the plot is has not been announced.