Rokket with the power of a T-Rex and… 60 card Tearlaments.
Browsing: Competitive Deck
Dinomorphia with Wanabee!; Synchron + Spright and Five Pro Wrestling themed Decks!
Top your Sushi with an Apple; Also consider a platter of Shark?
Red-Eyes takes use of Trap Track, while Gagaga revisits Machu Mech OTK.
Ritual Spirit featuring the Sword Emperor, and a general Ancient Warriors build.
Bystial + Counter Angel and Alteregeist.
Vennominaga uses Trap Trick and Insect + “Generaider Boss”
Solfachord and Mayakashi + Eldlich
The dark side of Amazement and Odd-Eyes Magician.
Rush Duel Gilford the Deck, Myutant with Fusion Duplication, and a final Branded Deck